Forums / The day to day / First Week Challenge Contest Winner June 2020

First Week Challenge Contest Winner June 2020

1 posts, 0 answered
  1. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    30 Jun 2020
    Link to this post
    Today is the last day!

    To enter for July's First Week Challenge Contest! To enter, click 'Quit and Win' at the top of the page.

    Our June 2020 First Week Challenge Contest Winner is Shannon Shearing from Thorold ON! Shannon has joined the contest twice before but it was the third attempt that was successful in keeping her smoke-free. We know that it is making quit attempts - trying and trying again - that gets smokers to their goal of being smoke-free.

    The good news is that there are 12 'First Weeks' in a year, each with a chance to win $500 with the First Week Challenge Contest.

    Congratulations to Shannon and to those who took part in the June contest.

1 posts, 0 answered