Forums / The day to day / 3 weeks smoke-free...and counting

3 weeks smoke-free...and counting

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
    11 posts
    31 Jan 2021
    22 Mar 2021
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    I am celebrating my 3rd week of being a non-smoker! YAY!! I set myself a short term goal of beating my most recent quit attempt at 3 and a half weeks by going 4 weeks, taking it one day at a time, one craving at a time. So far things have been far. Lol 
  2. lesleyaf
    lesleyaf avatar
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    23 Nov 2020
    22 Mar 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Hi Phoenix!

    Congratulations on your 3 week achievement.  You should be so proud of yourself as beating this addiction is not easy!!!!  Glad to hear your cravings are manageable.  I find that cravings decrease in intensity and frequency as time goes by.  I am looking forward to the day that I don't even think about smoking.

    Congrats again and keep it up!

  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    26 Mar 2021
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    Hi phoenix, 

    Over three weeks, WooHoo!  That is terrific!  You are so smart to set goals.  That gives you something manageable to work towards, and it helps to motivate you as well.  Don't forget to reward yourself along the way.  Positive reinforcement works!

    Keep up the good work, phoenix.  You should be really proud of yourself!
3 posts, 0 answered