marianne, quit coach
278 posts
30 Nov 2017
12 Feb 2019
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Hello Chartippybum,
Can understand why you have mixed feelings about your one year milestone. The other factors in your life will certainly contribute to your outlook. So don't be hard on yourself, times can be hard, feel for you.
Keep reminding yourself that you don't want the cigarette yet think on what else you can turn to. The winter can be bleak so having activities and interests to focus on will help so much. Highlight the fact that you have achieved great success and are thankful that you have quit. And anticipate your 1 year to be a turning point for better things to come.
We are happy for you reaching your anniversary and are here for you to brainstorm strategies and anything else that is on your mind.
Have a great day knowing you are smoke-free and in a better place than last year.
Best Wishes,