501 posts
31 Dec 2018
01 Feb 2019
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The last 6 months of my smoking often I would only smoke half a cigarette. Kind of a few quick deep inhales to get my nicotine fix and then I'd toss the smoke. I had butts and ashtrays all over the garage, porch and backyard. I finally realized I was sick of smoking, that plus my 19 year old son picked up the smoking habit so I figured it was time to quit, and my son quit with me.
I spent hours reading up on quitting smoking and preparing myself mentally for my quit date. I had all the milestones in my head (48-72 hours for nicotine to be out of my system, etc). With prior quits I never did that preparation. So maybe it was a combination of desire and preparation, but here I am one month into my quit and feeling so much better for it.
Take this month to prepare for your quit. Read all you can about quitting, get a quit kit ready, decide what if any aids you want (gum, mist, etc). And it also helps to start to change your smoking routine now. Stop smoking in the car, or wait one hour after waking up to have that first smoke. The hardest part of quitting for me actually was the routine part - I still check my coat pockets for my smokes before heading out.....