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28 Nov 2017
03 Jan
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Hi Stephanie, I have relapsed few times. Don't be ashamed of it, it's part of the quit. Key is get back to your quit the next day, you know you hate it. Quitting smoking is similar to learning to ride a bicycle or ice skate or learning anything from scratch. You have to master you quit, so relapsed the part of it. In the end your will power will keep rising until you will realize key to quitting forever is NOPE (never another puff ever) because once you smoke one your smoker memories will be restored in your brain and you will be back at the shop buying a pack. This is true even after 10 years. It took me 3 years to finally win my battle. Now I am 8+ years smoke free. Trust me it is worth it. Try distracting your cravings by going for long walks, listening to music, watch a movie, eat junk food or your favorite food. smoking is 1000 times worse than junk food! Good luck! I know if I can then you can also do it.
Last modified on 03 Jan 2025 13:34 by jeyan