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The First Week Challenge Contest- Your Chance to Win $500!

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  1. steven, quit coach
    steven, quit coach avatar
    40 posts
    12 Sep 2018
    26 May 2019
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    Hello Everyone!

    With the month of May coming to a close soon, I wanted to inform/remind you all of our First Week Challenge Contest (FWCC). You still have a few days left to sign up for June registration! Here is how the FWCC works:

    For the first week of next month, we’re challenging you to quit smoking for 7 days and offering you a $500 cash prize to encourage you to try.

    Why is the first week so important? Because if you are successful for the first week, you’re 9x more likely to quit for good. And that’s amazing!

    How to enter:

    1)Register for your FREE account (or log in to your existing account)
    2)Complete the First Week Challenge Contest Entry Form
    3)Quit for (at least) the first 7 days of the next month

    And don’t worry – we know that in order to succeed sometimes you have to quit and quit again. The good news is there are 12 First Weeks in a year, each with a chance to win $500.

    We hope this challenge will be the little extra nudge you need to turn your urge to quit into action, and we can provide you with tools and support to help you.
    Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for your health. Don’t let another First Week go by.
    It’s easy to get started: enter now and remain tobacco free for the first week – the first 7 days – of next month, and you could win!

    *If you have been smoke-free for 3 months or more, unfortunately you do not qualify to participate in the FWCC*

    If you have any further questions about the FWCC or about quitting in general, you can call a Smokers' Helpline Quit Coach at 1-877-513-5333.

    Best of luck everyone!

    -Steven (Quit Coach)
1 posts, 0 answered