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31 Dec 2018
18 Nov 2019
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So you slipped, no big deal. The big deal is you are still wanting to quit and are asking for help!!!!! I wish I had been that strong on some of my earlier quit attempts!
Problem is that the nicotine is not our friend. 1 or 20, it is never enough, but more than enough to keep us addicted.
I'm trying to quit drinking now - actually trying to lose weight and those darn fitness apps really point out how many calories a beer has.... Never considered myself and alcoholic. 1-3 beers most days after work and at dinner. Maybe a few more on the weekends. But damn is it hard to give up those few beers. I went a couple weeks without (I've lost 6lbs in 3 weeks!) and then this weekend i had a few beers at a Christmas Market. Point is that it happens. We reset, learn from our mistakes and carry on.
So I'm not gonna drink, and you're not gonna smoke. Easy to say, harder to do. But you know what, we are both motivated and I know we are both going to double down and do it.
Toss out the pack. NOW. Toss out the matches, lighters, etc. OK. Back to withdrawal and continuing with our quit.
You know I found after I quit smoking that I actually deal with stress better. Yeah, for some reason I don't stand there wasting time smoking and running through all the bad stuff in my mind. I just deal with things now.
Last modified on 18 Nov 2019 10:13 by atp