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)ne month and counting

65 posts, 0 answered
  1. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    28 Jun 2023 in reply to Fisher Guy
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    Congratulations Fisher Guy on celebrating 1 year & now a year & half. I totally agree with the first year being a year of every kind of emotion. Glad you hung in there to be an OLD FOGEY! Getting pass that first year was huge for me, almost felt like I could take a deep breath, like I was through the worst of it. Don’t kid yourself I still have moments where I think about lighting up, and quickly try to remember how far I have come & how hard it was to quit. Once again way to go Fisher Guy & I hope you had an amazing time in the Caribbean with your family!
    Last modified on 28 Jun 2023 19:32 by wandam
  2. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
    67 posts
    01 Dec 2021
    24 Nov 2023
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    Hi Everybody: Have been reading all the posts of our new members and their quit. Yes it is hard, and lots of urges do come. Don't give in. Take a deep breath, go for a walk, Just ignore them. I used to tell my urges, that they won;'t get me. Use NOPE [Not One Puff Ever].  Today Marks my second [2nd] year of being smoke free.. what a good feeling it is. Yes the road was bumpy and rough some times, but I made it. My wife and kids are happy for me. What a great reward that is. If I can do it, YOU CAN.  Keep it up.
  3. jb63
    jb63 avatar
    121 posts
    28 Feb 2022
    25 Nov 2023
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    Hi Fisherguy
    Congratulations on 2 years
    That is fantastic. You should be very proud of yourself. It is not easy to quit smoking 
    I think I first heard the NOPE from you at the beginning of my quit and I feel It was the best advice I received. I use It all the time. And try to pass it on to new quitters.
    Congrats again and you are now an Old Fogey for sure !
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
    379 posts
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    27 Nov 2023
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    Thats is so awesome Fisherguy. Two whole years can you believe it? Kicking myself that I could have been right there with you but Ill get there in my own time. On another forum I was on before they gave little comments about where you are on your journey and anyone over a year was said to be in the penthouse suite. You are truely there now my friend and here to proveto us all that it can be done. 

    Delighted for you.
    Well good news for me too... I finally managed to secure a new job. So Ill be moving there in January. I finish up with this one, that Ive been desperately trying to escape for nearly 3 years now, this coming Friday so Im really excited. New job is in a private hospital so it wont be as chaotic as it has been here and nicer patients to deal with so maybe that will make quitting a bit smoother for me in the new year. When I went for my interview I didnt see one patient or staff member smoking anywhere on campus so I dont want to start off on the wrong foot stinking of cigarettes.... plus I didnt see many shops around only a gas station about a mile up the road. Dont wanna be making that treck on my lunchtimes. 

    Keep in touch... Ill be back on here posting my ever ongoing journey again very soon.
  5. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
    67 posts
    01 Dec 2021
    29 Nov 2023
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    Thanks Guys for the congratulation Glad to hear all is going well jb63  I got Nope off of hear when I first started and still use it also. Keep writing ,love to read them.  Glad to hear you got a new position dublinguy, hope it is what you where looking for,  Yes you will get smoke free also, but in your own time frame, We both know you can do it, it will come, Keep us informed, good luck on your new adventure.
65 posts, 0 answered