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The patch and inhaler

11 posts, 0 answered
  1. harbourmja
    harbourmja avatar
    3 posts
    02 Jan 2018
    09 Jan 2018
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    I am smoke free 1 week today! Yay me!
    I would not have been able to do it without the use of the patch and inhaler. I only use the inhaler when am unable to make it through the really bad cravings. So only 1 or two cartridges a day. But it helps with the need to have that smoke in my hands. The patch I find is great! I put it on in the morning. This helps me with the "need that morning cigarette" cravings. Really vivid dreams, but it is better than smoking! 

    Thanks for listening!
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi harbourmja,

    Congratulations on being smoke free for 1 week!

    It's good to hear that you've found some products that work well for you. Vivid dreams can be very common with the patch, but like you said, better than smoking.

    Hope to hear more about your quit and how you're doing.
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Congrats in 1 week free

    You can do it amazing job, one week more and let enjoy free life!
  4. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Harbourmja,
    I'll be following your journey!  No pressure though, lol!  I just got some free NRT patches and a few cartridges from the Heart Institute's quit program.  I realized that I wasn't using the cartridges properly last time, nor frequently enough, so it's all been set up for me by a nurse.  I'm glad to hear that the inhaler is working for you, so I hope it works for me.  I also bought the mist just in case I lose the cartridge holder and I'll carry it in my purse.  One week, that's so impressive!  Keep it up one moment at a time.  Don't even think in terms of days until you make it there, and you have!
  5. avatar
    1 posts
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    20 Jan 2018
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    I tried the inhaler, and found it way to intense for me. A burning sensation/taste. Maybe it's because I am not a heavy smoker? I smoke approx2-4 cigarettes a day. Did anyone else find the inhaler taste unbearable? 
  6. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hi Allison, It irritates my throat too.  I was shown how to use it and you take a very tiny inhale - NOT INTO YOur THROAT, just until you taste it, it's a very tiny amount,  Then you swish it around your mouth and inner cheeks to let it absorb for a minute.  Like the mist, you don't direct it into your upper tongue or throat area or it will irritate.
  7. sheila
    sheila avatar
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    That's awesome. Keep it up your doing great.
  8. sheila
    sheila avatar
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    Well tomorrow I quit smoking and hopefully for good. Does anyone have any suggestions to make it easier?
  9. frieda
    frieda avatar
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    Hi sheila, I am now 2 weeks into my third attempt at quiting. You asked for suggestions....keep your hands busy, stay away from”helpful” smoking friends,lol & I found that thrive gum was tasty, inexpensive & very helpful. Good luck, you can do this!
  10. meganon
    meganon avatar
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    Happy to say to say I am smoke free sine Jan 21 finding it very hard after smoking for 55 years.  I am using the nicoderm patch system thru our Health Unit at no cost,  on step 2 now after 8 weeks on  step 1 due to length of time I smoked my pharmacist suggested I do longer on step 1.
    step 2 has been a big change I am finding I have to use the mist spray a couple times a day but it does the trick.  Feel so much better.
  11. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi Meganon,

    Congratulations on your success. I smoked for 28 years and I am now smoke free for 21 days. I am using an occasional NRT lozenge or piece of gum. More often now I am reaching for a piece of Excel spearmint gum. Making a bucket list of what I will do with the money I save gives me a reward system to look forward to.


11 posts, 0 answered