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The time is NOW!

12 posts, 0 answered
  1. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    Been here.. done that..
    An Oldie back to being a Newbie.
    Stayed smoke free for 7 years and then, ugh, disaster.
    I ‘lovingly’ (pfft!) refer to it as the seven year itch.. Well, I scratched and find myself seeking support to do this quit thing all over again.  
    In the first year, this website and the people and support I found in the forums was what got me through and I thank you.
    I am only on day two and taking it hour by hour but that’s progress because last time out I struggled minute by minute!  
    Drinking the water, staying occupied, and man, my house hasn’t been this clean in 7 years!  Hahahaha!  
    I got this.  With a little SHO support, I’ll keep it.

  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi crystal_maiden,

    I am so sorry you gave in to the 7 year itch.  Man, that's tough.  It just serves as a reminder to all of us that we can never be complacent, cuz you never know when that urge will hit.

    Having said that, it's terrific that you are committed to quit again.  I know it's going to be hard, but at least you know what to expect and how best to handle challenges.  And isn't it wonderful to have a spotless house?  LOL

    Hang in there, Crystal.  You can do this.
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi crystal_maiden,

    Congratulations on your return to the joys of the smoke free life style. It is unquestionably the right choice as you knew for seven years. Keeping yourself occupied is very helpful. The homes of ex-smokers are probably the cleanest anywhere. I can attest to that!

  4. livehealthy
    livehealthy avatar
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    I am in the same boat. Quit for 3 years and I remember that first year being the hardest. I started smoking at a work conference back in May and gradually snuck up on me and now I find it controlling me again, which was a big reason I quit to begin with! Starting Champax tomorrow and quit day a week after that. I'm hoping because it's only been 4 months of smoking that my healthy routines I developed for 3 years will come back quickly. Goodluck with your quit CM. We can do this again:)
  5. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi crystal_maiden,

    It's great to hear that you're starting your quit again! It looks like you've really given this some thought and you know what works for you.

    Look forward to hearing about your journey with it.
  6. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    Man, can I relate to what your saying, I was on my eight year when I got this brillient idea that a smoke would be a good idea, I remember you, my first quit was way back in 2004 when this group was in its infancy, cant count the number of times I quit, I am currently in my 4th month of a brand new quit, I start my day with my daily pledge, and thank God every day that I made it through another day without a smoke, I am glade to see that you made it back again, there are still a few of us old timers still around, I sure that you will bump into a few names from back in the day, all the best to you on your new journey, I will see you again
    Last modified on 27 Aug 2018 22:53 by smitty
  7. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    Hiya Smitty!  geeze, same old places same old faces eh?

    I started with a cigar,  It was a Cuban Cohiba and I was, as a matter of fact, in Cuba at the time so why the hell not I thought.

    Then camping season hit and it was a cigar around the fire every once in a while, then it was every so often, which turned into more often than not.  Then I bought a pack of smokes.  What a dummy!

    I flirted with fire and got burned.  I smoked for almost 2 years before I packed it in last Friday.  Time to get my life back. 

    The time is NOW!   Back to cold turkey and a strong will to succeed.  Back to NOPE and back to remembering my daily mantra:  If I have just one, I’ll be right back where I started, and where I started was desperately wishing I was where I am today.


  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Smitty and Crystal_maiden,

    Sometimes relapses happen after only 1, and sometimes they sneak up on us over time. 

    It is so helpful that you are reflecting back on what happened, because that will help you in the future to prevent relapses.

    Always remember that the most important thing is that you are both quit again!! Congratulations on making that decision. 

    Your stories and determination are inspiring and of course, we look forward to hearing about your future success with these quits.


    Jenna Lee

  9. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    Hey, what plan have you got in place, the reason I ask is because when I quit this time , I went to my family doctor and he put me in touch with a quit coach, she provided for me patches and spray free of charge as long as I need them provided that I stayed with the program, it's a program sponsored by the provincial government, something to think about should things get to overwhelming
  10. crystal_maiden
    crystal_maiden avatar
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    My plan is all about willpower.  I quit cold turkey.  Having only smoked 4-5 cigarettes a day, it hasn’t been as rough as my first quit back in the day when I smoked a 1/2 pack plus a day. I won’t say it’s been EASY but i’m pulling through.  When the voices in my head start nagging, i announce to whomever is within earshot that ‘I AM A NON-SMOKER!’  I hear myself say it and i believe it.  It’s helpful to look at myself in the mirror and say it.  Puts a smile on my face every time!  Makes me proud of me!  

    Distractions are key.  Been sewing, been cleaning, y yo practico mis lecciones de español.  I drink the water, i deep breathe, i drive past a store and tell myself, ‘Don’t do it!  Don’t you go in there and buy smokes!’ And I don’t.  Yay me!

    It’s a lot of work this quitting business but so worth it!  You have no idea how much I want my non-smoking life back.  So much freedom, so much energy, so much life to enjoy.

    The only thing I knew how to do
    was to keep on keepin’ on .. Bob Dylan


  11. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Cystal

    I love your power! I quit cold turkey too, and took me time to stick to it.
    As you say is will power all we need, trust in our self that we can live without smokes!
    We can do it! 

    One day at the time!
  12. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello Smitty, Crystal_Maiden and Brieffree,

    Having a plan as you shared is so essential- using nicotine replacement or cold turkey along with willpower- all great!  Maintaining your quit through distraction is as you shared is important especially when you have a hobby.  

    Best Wishes on your continued smoke-free journey!


12 posts, 0 answered