Forums / My journey / January 1 2019 Quit Day

January 1 2019 Quit Day

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    Wow I can’t believe another year has passed! 
    When it comes to quitting smoking, many people use New Years Day as a quit day and with good reason. Fresh start, new year, non smoker. 
    When I quit years ago it was on October 25 1997, so that’s my “New Year”!
    How did you come up with your quit day?
    I’d love to know.

  2. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Good Morning All,

    My quit day was March 7 earlier this year. That was the day I ran out of cigarettes. The last pack cost substantially more than the previous. Plus the government announced it had more taxes on cigarettes about to go into effect the following month. I was feeling down and out health wise and could not bring myself to sink an ever growing cash drain towards more health issues. Looking at my dashboard, I have now saved more than $5000 and saved over 75 days of life since that time!

    Wishing everyone another smoke free day!

  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi eagerquit,

    Wow, you have now been smoke free for 10 months.  Way to go!  I remember when you started out.  You had so many good reasons to quit, and you were determined to do this.  And look at you now.  You should be so proud of yourself, eagerquit.  You are now a non-smoker.  Doesn't it feel great?  What a wonderful way to start the New Year!!!  I am really happy for you!
  4. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Hey Ladies and Gents,  Good to see you again and Happy New Year!  I find I never really get off the bandwagon when I relapse, I just feel guilt, or "to do" again, etc...  I never think I'll smoke forever, but I do procrastinate starting the first week.  I've tried quitting so many times and I generally know what my obstacles are by now, so it's just a matter of starting to quit again for however long.  It's more that I have another week off on holidays that's making me quit on January First, and that it's winter .... brrrrrrrr....  Congratulations and best wishes!
  5. atp
    atp avatar
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    03 Jan 2019 in reply to renee, quitcoach
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    Yup - I quit on January 1st. 

    First 2 days were hard - NRT lozenges and spray helped, but it was the NOT going out for a smoke that really bothered me. The habit part. 

    3 days in and starting to feel that I can do this. Today I haven't been plotting to go and buy a pack, still think about smoking all the time though. Starting to think that I haven't died due to my withdrawal so there is hope. 

    Now if I could just get a good nights sleep in....
  6. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Oh yes ATP, the dreams!  My fitbit said I was only in a deep sleep for 45 minutes total, lol.  I kept the Patch on, but will now take it off before bed.
6 posts, 0 answered