Forums / My journey / 2.5 years smokefree

2.5 years smokefree

10 posts, 0 answered
  1. motherjoe
    motherjoe avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    22 Jul 2018
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    Hey there...just leaving a note to let ya know I'm still in the quit!!!  ..  2.5 years today .. feeling so great .. no poisons going into my lungs making me short of breath .. congrats to you all and good luck in your quit and also to those of you wanting to quit just do it and don't look back ... it can be done .. just be firm with yourself and put up with the emotions .. they will get less and less each day .. you will be glad you did .. take care friends ..Mother
  2. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    Terrific!  thanks for sharing your progress Motherjoe.  I am inspired.  It has been 4 and a half months for me and I too am enjoying my money, my life, and my freedom!   
  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi motherjoe,

    Thank you for your inspirational message. I too am progressing through my quit one day at a time and appreciate your words of wisdom.

  4. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Motherjoe

    Congrats in 2.5 years smoke free

    Thank you for sharing, it feel good to be a non Smoker!
  5. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    Congratulations motherjoe!
    Thank you for sharing your success. It is an inspiration to me at the beginning of my journey.
  6. smitty
    smitty avatar
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    Congratulations to you motherjoe on 2.5 years, this is no easy feat, it is important that you stay vigilant ant on your toes, that dam demon will sneak up on you like a thief in the night, but you know this already, I was in my 8th year when I let my guard down, it took me 2 years to get back here, I will be 3 months smokefree on August 4, all the best to you, don't forget to reward yourself, blessings to you
  7. gertie456
    gertie456 avatar
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    Congrats to you!!!  Keep on quitting.
  8. bdmoro
    bdmoro avatar
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    No better words, "be firm with yourself"   it is all about commitment.    2 false starts this summer, and this third attempt seems to be working.   i would love to be able to say i too have been smoke free for 2.5 years.   the hardest is going to be visiting my daughter in Montreal.  As far as i know she is still a dedicated smoker.
  9. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    You are motivation to us all! Some of us have been there, while others are working towards it, but you have proven it can be done! This must have been such a nice feeling for you to share. 

    bdmoro, good for you for your multiple attempts. Also, it is great how you are planning ahead. In this case, you are worried about being around another smoker. Does anyone have words of wisdom who have been in this situation before?

    Jenna Lee
  10. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi motherjoe,

    A big congratulations to you on 2.5 years!  Way to go!

    I want to thank you for helping me in my journey.  I paid close attention to your posts and your encouragement, and I have now been a non-smoker for 19 months!  Wimporswim has also kept the quit. Great, eh?

    Keep on rocking it, motherjoe!  The freedom is unbelievable!
10 posts, 0 answered