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Bombarded on face book since i signed up

8 posts, 0 answered
  1. teepav
    teepav avatar
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    22 Apr 2020
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    I just signed up to this site!! and have immediately been bombarded on facebook with quit smoking stuff -- and that makes me feel like smoking?????? wt heck?
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Teepav, 

    Welcome to Smokers' Helpline Online.

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been bombarded with ads, articles etc. that are related to quitting smoking. The internet can be a funny place. I know this happens to me a lot...when I search 1 thing I seem to keep seeing ads for the same thing everywhere. 

    Seeing as this is a trigger for you, do you have any plans on how to manage those cravings?
    Perhaps the "Cravings" area of our site may be helpful? I know others here have posted some great ways to get through urges. 

    All the best,
  3. penny-royalty86
    penny-royalty86 avatar
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    Yeah that started to happen to me the other day. You can "hide" all those ads on Facebook until you just stop seeing them.
  4. teepav
    teepav avatar
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    Thanks to you both, my first thought was to delete my account but couldn't find how to do it? second thought was yes I had done a fair amount of searching before I cam across this site! so I will try and delete posts and see if they go away yes even those quit smoking ads are hard to look at.
    I have been a long time smoker, I'll say over 50 years closer to 55 I'm sure started well before I was 10. I guess smoking took away many bad feelings I had from my childhood was a hook! helped me forgot like I guess any addiction becomes? So quitting I'm peeling back the onion emotions are up/down like a yo-yo! I went cold turkey as all other options just made me want to smoke more? pills patch etc. My problem now is that I've been off smokes for almost 6 months, other than my breathing improving everything else physically feels worse? I may have an underlying problem but of course with this pandemic i'm unable to get for a good check-up and have not seen a doctor since I quit. People talk about the mucus clearing and other stuff not me haven't experienced any of it -- strange? So I've been trying to search out people who have smoked for most their lives similar to myself to see how they reacted and possible different timelines. I would hate to go back to smoking mentally and physically I have to deal with it and beat it plain and simple!
  5. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi teepav,

    First of all, let me congratulate you for being smoke free for 6 months.  That is terrific!

    I smoked for over 43 years and like you, I quit cold turkey.  I have been a non-smoker for over 3 years now.

    I know what you mean about mucus.  I get a lot of it coming up daily and that is just the way it is.  At this point, I doubt it has to do with quitting smoking.  However, once I quit, I made sure to keep a bag nearby at home so I could spit it out right away.  And my chest feels so much lighter, it is incredible.

    I know it is frustrating not being able to see a doctor due to the pandemic.  But this will not last forever.  Make a written note of your concerns.  If you notice any changes that concern you, write down a description and the date.  That will help you and your doctor when you can finally get back together.

    Most importantly, stay smoke free.  Quitting smoking is the best thing you could ever do for yourself.  You are obviously a very strong person, because you did this after having smoked most of your life.  Be proud of yourself.  And reward yourself, even if it is just a small thing.  Positive reinforcement works.  And you deserve to be happy.

    I am rooting for you, teepav.  Believe in yourself.  
  6. teepav
    teepav avatar
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    Thank you.
  7. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Teepav

    Congrats in your quit!
    Enjoy been free, enjoy every moment, regard your self for a wonderful job! 
    No Matter what you made the best chose ever! your lungs will say thank you so much!
    I quit long ago, as soon as you stop, your body starts to heal it self, your mind will try to tick you into the crave, is important the rezone why you want to quit? it will help you to crate confidence in your self!
    Is also very important to eat healthy and regard your self for a wonderful job!
    When I started my quit, it was ok, but after 3 months started the problem, is everyday try to stay free!
    Do not worry to pay attention to small thing or big thinks, just enjoy them as they are!

    I remember my damage in my Lungs due to smoking and No thank you!

    Never stope to seek for support

    You are so much work it!

    One day at the tome, never give up!

    Remember in not you, is your mind trying to trick you, you can do it, distract yourself!

    All the best  
  8. teepav
    teepav avatar
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    29 Apr 2020 in reply to brieffree
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    Thank you brieffree!
8 posts, 0 answered