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Cravings and boredom make me cave

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. rainbowboii94
    rainbowboii94 avatar
    2 posts
    19 Jan 2022
    19 Jan 2022
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    I’ve tried quitting in the past and the cravings and boredom get so much I end up smoking again. How does everyone stay quit? I have NRT so basically it will be the boredom and daily activities I need to edit to quit for good!!!
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    19 Jan 2022 in reply to rainbowboii94
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    Hi rainbowboii94,

    You are off to a great start because you know what your triggers are. Now you can problem solve for them. 

    Quitting smoking is a lifestyle change, and you may have more time on your hands because you are no longer taking the time to go smoke. What activities do you enjoy? What activities do you find productive? Is there a new hobby you want to try out but never did because you never had the time?

    Hope you are able to find something fulfilling and enjoyable,

    Jenna Lee
  3. mike o
    mike o avatar
    20 posts
    10 Jun 2022
    13 Jun 2022 in reply to rainbowboii94
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    Hi Rainbow 

    I adopted the mantra after 2 days- I do not physically need need to smoke.

    I kept repeating this at every craving- after 10 days I no longer needed to do this

    Cravings after this. Just raid the fridge or move my mind on quickly to anything.Unrelated to smoking.

    After 3 weeks I then adopted the approach I have no physical need to smoke any cravings are mental responses.

    boredom - have a nap- get stuck into a tv series (like ancient aliens) with many episodes write up a few future plans even small dreams for when you Have the energy.

    all the best with your quit attempt 😊

  4. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    11 Jul 2019
    25 Jun 2022
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    Winston Churchill said "when you're going through hell, keep going!"
4 posts, 0 answered