jenna lee, quit coach
265 posts
28 Jun 2018
15 Aug 2020
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Hi Tickles,
Welcome to Smokers! We are happy to have you were as part of our online community.
Congratulations on quitting since Easter! I want to commend you for all your efforts and adopting physical activity such as kayaking into your quit plan.
Sorry to hear about your health concerns of withdrawal symptoms since quitting. You are correct; withdrawal symptoms can appear as flu-like symptoms.
Everyone's body and smoking history are different, therefore, some people may experience different withdrawals for different time periods. For example, some people's withdrawal symptoms go away after 3 days, while others may experience them for 3 months. You do seem to have a long and heavy history of smoking (years smoked and amount smoked) and therefore, it is not too surprising that your symptoms are feeling more severe and lasting longer than average.
You are doing the right thing by keeping your doctor in the loop and getting testing done, as these symptoms seem to be out of the ordinary for you. The good news is that your tests have come back negative. The other good news is that, although these withdrawal symptoms are uncomfortable, they are a sign that your body is healing itself from the years of damage the smoke and chemicals were causing.
I hope you start to feel better soon,
Keep up the amazing hard work you are doing,
Jenna Lee