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06 Nov 2018
13 Nov 2018
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Hi Chartippybum and Newcomers
Congrats for making the right choice and quitting. I am proud to say i have been a non-smoker for 6 days now and never going back !
Many people WISH they could quit smoking, but like myself delay it because we don't think we can break the addition. It is like wishing to win a lottery, but do you actually believe you will win it? You are here for support in that belief and to confirm that it CAN be done. After watching the CBQ webinar on line for free, it confirmed what i am about to tell you.
There are steps in quitting smoking and the first one, is equally as important as the other 3 steps. You have to WANT to quit. Now even if you have some little doubts and do what she asks you to do during the free part of the webinar, you will come to shed those doubts.
Now, i have to tell you here that i was 4 days smoke free (cold turkey) and had done pretty much the same thing as what she was saying on this webinar. I would strongly advise anyone to at least take a look at it. I signed up for the second free one as well, and though i found it mostly repetitive i would again advise you to watch it. (yes she offers you a course, step by step for a cost) I do not know what all is involved, but if you are self motivated, you will figure it out for yourself. The 4 steps are really all you need. See, i am not trying to sell you anything here. I have to admit that I quit without meaning to after taking a lung cleanse of turmeric, ginger, honey, onion and water. All the ingredients are healthy and now that i have quit smoking, i found found ways to incorporate these into my diet (soup, sandwich, curry , tea) You can find this on line and again i make nothing. The recipes on line are all the same. I took 2 tablespoons first thing in the morning and 2 Tablespoons before bed. Please research the ingredients and /or ask your doctor if these are safe for you and your medications.
I started eating healthier foods and wanted to cut down on the smoking so i did so by putting them across the room. Got the additional bonus of some exercise by being forced to get off my butt. and also the delay and distract practice. 7 days later i am down 5 lbs. Not only down 5 lbs, but something curious happened.
On the 8th day, a Monday morning i got up, put the kettle on for coffee and sat down in my lounge to play poker on line when i realized i didn't really want a cigarette just yet. So i put it off (delay and distract) . Two hours later i had half of one, standing up in the bathroom. It took discipline, but i only had 3 full cigarettes that day. Tuesday i had confidence that i could quit so joined this site for addition support and advice. That day i had 5. ( I was a 43 yr. smoker up to 28 or more a day. ) So I had taken another huge step towards achieving my goal. Wednesday morning i got up and resisted the urge for two hours, took 2 drags and got such a nicotine rush i had to put it out. (smoked only 3 that day) . That meant that there was very little nicotine left in my body which would mean less sever urges and less frequent. . (no matter what method you choose, you can't get around this one... withdrawl FROM NICOTINE is one you will have to face sooner or later to some degree) That is the only withdrawl and that lasts about 3 days.
Thursday morning i got up and decided to QUIT. Quit right there and then. Why wait for my quit date in 7 days and continue on like this. I doubt i could get down to just 1, and even if i did, so what? I was ready and i WANTED to QUIT.
My lung cleanse is getting low now and i try to find the site to get recipe and i get a similar site (same recipe) saying how it helps to reduce nicotine cravings. Ginger and turmeric had properties that CURBED NICOTINE CRAVINGS. Its no wonder I seemingly had less of a battle than most people. I didn't gain weight either, because i was eating healthy and the ginger and or turmeric suppressed appetite. Of course i was keeping busy too.( no exercise, although i should) .. researching the best foods for health. (not weight loss) I had my support team. I told my parents that i quit (after years of pushing) My spouse and daughter are now giving thought to quitting as well. Even more rewards than i had hoped for.
So that is how i came to quit. The CBQ is a must watch. She says you must do the steps in order, and i see how it would be easier, but for those of you with NRT's or haven't done the steps I still think you would gain valuable information. I know that even though i had gotten through the hardest part of nicotine withdrawl (with help from my tonic) which only lasts for 3 days, i still had those urges. After watching the webinar i no longer do. I did not buy her product, but i do believe in it. I don't like that someone SELLS a cure, but if it saves lives....
I did not buy her product, so i do not know all she advises during the 4 steps. There were some exercises, but not sure if any ways to reduce cravings of the nicotine itself. Urges after that are just in your head. As they explain, we go 8 hours to sleep without the nicotine waking us , why is it so hard while we are awake? For example: Doctors prescribe medications to address the symptoms, but not necessarily the cause. The problem is still there. Let's fix the real problem.
Your best decision is /was/has been or will be TO QUIT.
Next was your wise decision in joining this group and learning. The 4 D's are vital. Know them and learn them, and do them!
Your next move is to learn the 4 C's... pretty much the same as the 4 D's But CBQ program addresses the psychological mindset. Even i found this very calming. And knowledge is POWER.
In conclusion, you have been motivated enough to have read this long (i don't know what it is, except that i so want you and others to all succeed as i have. ) I don't want jealousy , or thanks , or praise and i certainly don't want your money....and i won't wish you luck.. Quitting smoking has absolutely nothing to do with luck. I WANT you all to better your lives by doing everything in your power to quit and keep the quit.