linda, quit coach
146 posts
28 Nov 2017
10 Jul 2018
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Hi magicmich24,
Welcome and congratulations for all the hard work you’ve
done to reach this day! Mornings can be tough but the fact that you didn’t smoke
during the tough time is so great. It shows that you have great skills and what
it takes to get through a difficult time. Keep going strong!
Cravings can be intense in the mornings. To deal with
these cravings, a lot of smokers put a plan in place that keeps them from
falling into that old habit. For example, people find the following strategies
helpful: remove from sight everything that reminds you of smoking such as
cigarettes and ashtrays; do something different or change the morning
routine; keep yourself busy with different distractions; focus your mind on
something else; drink water; practice deep breathing; delay a bit longer; switch
coffee to tea if you’ve associated coffee and cigarettes or change the location
where you drink coffee; do any activity that will pull your focus away from
smoking or using a nicotine replacement therapy may also help you reduce the
cravings and withdrawal symptoms. What kind of strategies have you been doing
to manage the cravings?
Know there’s a lot of support here as you quit. Come by
anytime with questions, concerns or just to let us know how you are doing. We are here for you and we want to see you succeed. Hope
we’ll see you posting often!
Best wishes and good luck on your quit journey!
Last modified on 10 Jul 2018 15:43 by linda, quit coach