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agitated and craving

7 posts, 7 answered
  1. lucky
    lucky avatar
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    I sleep good, but when I get up I am really grumpy and have been moody all day today. Since I stopped, I had no problems with mood swings, but today I feel angry and want to smoke
    Today is my 9th day of not smoking and I don't understand why I feel this way today

    Anybody has the same problem??
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    Congratulations on nine days!

    Days like today can pop up even after quitting for some time. It's hard to say why one day is harder than the others, but the good news is that it will get easier as long as you hang in there. Today could be the worst of it.

    Sometimes taking some deep breaths can help, and I'm glad that you're reaching out for support. Hopefully we can hear from others here who are having or have had the same challenge.


  3. sutt.marg
    sutt.marg avatar
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    I have this everyday.  Smoking gave me something to do besides work.  I am having trouble knowing what to do with my time.  Why does that seem so wrong?  What should I be doing?  Lost and confused but I do not want to smoke! 
  4. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    Hi sutt.marg,

    Feeling irritable, moody, grumpy can be some pretty common withdrawals when quitting smoking. I know it can be frustrating or maybe hard to manage at time, but it will pass.

    What have you been doing to help you get through the days so far?

    I know a lot of people find distractions to be helpful...maybe having games or puzzles or hobbies to keep busy with to help fill the time.

    Hope you're having a good smoke free day.

  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi lucky

    Congrats in day 9 smoke free! you did great!

    I totally agreed with you on that feeling, is normal I had it too, is good you identified that, so you can do something to change it!
    I am sure it will pass by no time! 

    Try taking a glass of water
    a quick shower
    or go for a walk

    I hope you feel better!

    I believe is because when we quit we cut a relationship with the smoke.
    That is why is very important to get support in that moment, try to talk to someone you know about it, you will feel much better!

    Last modified on 16 Feb 2019 18:08 by brieffree
  6. atp
    atp avatar
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    Lucky and Marg,

    For me it was almost like dealing with 2 quits - the nicotine withdrawal and the habit/routine withdrawal.

    Of course I was grumpy and moody, being an addict that just quit smoking after 30 years my body was fighting me tooth and nail. And then my mind was freaking out because all the usual pattern of my smoking habit was gone leaving me all out of sorts. I sat there wondering how a non-smoker goes through a day without having a smoke with coffee, or beer, or cutting the lawn. I didn't know how to be a non-smoker!

    7 weeks since i quit. I feel so much better and don't crave smoking as much any more, but I still miss having a smoke at times. it's kind of like mourning a lost friend. 

    Put your energy and focus into learning how to be a non-smoker. 
  7. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Brieffree & atp,

    Thanks for your words of wisdom/experience, so appreciate all that you two shared with us.
7 posts, 7 answered