Forums / My journey / Day 52

Day 52

7 posts, 0 answered
  1. poley
    poley avatar
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    This is a first for me. I am now on day 52 of my official quit. I had very few symptoms over the first 30 days of my quit, but the last two weeks have had an increase. It started with Post Nasal drip and a sore throat. I have gone to my Dr and got prescriptions. Then last week, I had lots of mucus, which is now causing me some discomfort when I swallow. And feels like
    my mouth and throat are dry. I went back to doctor and received an ultrasound checking my thyroid. I assume that these symptoms are part of the quitting normal. Of course doing Google searches is the worst thing to do, but still my mind races at times thinking of the C word.
    I am curious to see if anyone else has had these symptoms show up on day 40 of their quit. It sure is funny how the mind works. It makes no sense that these symptoms would only show up after quitting.
    Aside from this, my cold turkey quit has been going really well. Haven’t had any cravings. I started walking and running and for the first time in years was able to run 10 minutes straight. I am quite proud but still a bit worried. Thanks for your replies.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Poley

    As you describe seems to be a normal allergic reaction to spring, you when to the Doctor, you should be ok in a few days, drink a lot water, your body need a lot liquid,
    If problem continuo after 1 week, could be good idea to go back to see the Doctor!
    I quit cold turkey too, after few months I get some irritation Nasal, and a bit of coifing, nothing serious.
    Everyone quit is different.

    Feel better!
  3. atp
    atp avatar
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    12 May 2020 in reply to poley
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    Congrats on nearly 2 months as a non-smoker!!!!!

    Around 6-8 weeks into my quit I was hacking up some nasty mucus - that was due to the cilia (small hairs) in my lungs and throat regrowing and starting to push out all the accumulated smoking gunk from my lungs. In other words my body was healing....

    I also noticed that I get a little more in the way of allergies now. Maybe I just notice it now that I don't have smokers cough anymore. 

    Do get checked out though as it could be something else entirely. 
  4. poley
    poley avatar
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    Thanks for your feedback. I went back to the doctor yesterday. Had benign nodules on thyroid. My doc sent me to ear nose and throat. That dr called me today and says that he has heard this story before from people who have quit. The lump in throat etc. He told me that I have now put the swallowing of saliva in the conscious level instead of just doing it. My throat has felt a lot better compared to 3 days ago. 
  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Poley

    Is great news, I am so very happy you are feeling better, Remember that we quit our problem that was making us very ill!
    One we quit, our body starts to heal itself in many different ways, is very important to help our self!
    - Drink plenty water
    - Give to your body what your body ask for, nothing else! Must be healthy
    - Brief ! deeply, take your time!
    You are not alone!

    Keep the good work!

    Continue your Journey freedom is yours!  
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi poley,

    It is wonderful that you quit smoking.  That is probably the best thing you could ever do for yourself.

    I agree with what the others have said.  We all experience different things when we quit, as our bodies begin the process of healing.  We smoked for years, so we can't expect our bodies to get back to normal right away.  It all takes time, and your body has to adjust to this new normal, meaning no more smoke and no more chemicals.  But you were smart to see your doctor, if for no other reason than to keep him apprised of what you are going through.  Remember, from this point forward, if and when you get sick with anything, it will be much easier for your body to fight against it now that you don't smoke.  Honestly, it makes such a difference.  Also, as a non-smoker, you will get more nutrients from the food you eat.  It's a win-win situation.

    Keep up the good work, poley.  You are doing great, and you should be really proud of yourself.
  7. poley
    poley avatar
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    It is now day 64. I feel considerably better. I am still having a bit of trouble swallowing as I still  feel like there is mucus in my throat. It is definitely not as bad as it was 10 days ago. Dr still feels it is a part of post nasal drip. I find that my biggest success has been in my mindset and where I allow or don’t allow my mind to go.
    i am still doing teas milk workouts and am now up to 1.5
    km when I go jogging. Quit a change from 60
    days ago.
    Take care everyone and wish you a happy smoke free life.
7 posts, 0 answered