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Day one

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. yukonmurphy77
    yukonmurphy77  avatar
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    Day one has begun. 25 year smoker. First time. Terrified.
  2. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello yukonmurphy77,

    Great to hear from you on day 1!  We are here with you in support so try your best not to worry.  You have begun this journey for a reason.  Feel free to share with us about what is behind this change for you and how you plan to spend your day today.  Anything in particular around triggers we can talk to you about, let us know.  

    Wishing you all the best on your important day.  People will no doubt share their experiences of their first day and week with you.  

    You can do this!  It is so possible.  

  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi yukonmurphy77,

    Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. It is an important turning point in your life and you will appreciate every moment of freedom from an insidious habit. There are a lot of great experiences and suggestions in these forums. Keep us posted on your progress.

    Wishing you every success.

  4. shazzan
    shazzan avatar
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    29 Dec 2018 in reply to yukonmurphy77
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    Hi Yukonmurphy. You have made a wise decision and have come to a good site for support and quitting techniques. 

    I am an advocate of the cold turkey or rather educated cold turkey quit, aka Smart Turkey. I had a very easy quit compared to most, primarily due to my mindset. You can read post i have made to learn about more in that regard. A quit is a quit, no matter how, but personally i like to jump into cold water and get it overwith, not wade in and endure suffering. Don't let that scare you... quitting is an easy as you make it. I just learned a few new things to make your escape from nicotine easier by minimizing the withdrawl which can be over in 3 days, but if you have read posts you will have learned that it is the acceptance of being a non-smoker that makes the journey to freedom much faster and easier.

    When you first quit, cut your caffeine by half..... nicotine used to diminish its effect, so unless you cut back you may mistake the jitters as a withdrawl symptom

    Also make sure you eat breakfast, which many smokers, like myself used to skip. This keeps blood sugar levels stable , and your sense of well being

    Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated... this will help flush nicotine and other toxins from your system. 

    There are lots of videos on You tube. Educate yourself, think positive , use the 4 D;s, the support system, and all the tools you can. 

    If you are using NRT, take the time to make any cigarettes you are still using unenjoyable as possible. Your mission is to hate the cigarette for hi=jacking your brain and making you an addict. Yes it seems harsh, but facing reality makes the quit easier. 
    You are here to become a non-smoker, start living as one right away, while you learn how nasty your little so called friend the cigarette did nothing ever, but tried to make you believe you needed it. If on NRT use them while you learn how to  embrace your new life as a non-smoker.. They are to aid you with the transition, not to become dependent on. 

    Many have quit before us, you can become a Happy Non-Smoker like I have  with the right knowledge and positive thinking. 
  5. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Yukonmurphy

    Congrats in you first day, you can do it
    Relax, nothing bad happened if you quit! Stat leaving!
  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi yukonmurphy77,

    I understand your fear.  I was scared, too, having smoked for over 43 years.  You not only have to learn to break away from the physical addiction, but you have to learn how to live life as a non-smoker again.  Both are tall orders, but not impossible.  There are things you can do to make the process a little easier, including distracting yourself.

    If you haven't done so already, it would be a good idea for you to read some of the information on this site.  Personally, I found it very helpful.  And God only knows that when you have smoked for as long as we have, the more help we can get, the better.

    Good luck to you, and please keep in touch.  We are here for you.
6 posts, 0 answered