Forums / My journey / 2 weeks done!

2 weeks done!

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. susanm
    susanm avatar
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    01 Aug 2018
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    I have two weeks under my belt and today has been the hardest. Cravings and quick to lose my temper. I just have to keep telling myself that I can do this! I do not want to go back to smoking.
    After the first week we went to a movie. So, I just have to keep telling myself that we have a nice supper out planned for the one month mark. Only two more weeks to go!
    Thank you everyone one here for your support!!
  2. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi Susanm,

    Congratulations on making it through your first two weeks.  I know it can be really tough.  Quitting isn't easy.  So do what you need to do to keep the quit.  Scream, cry, punch a pillow, go for a walk, splurge on something you normally wouldn't get for yourself.  Fight like hell to beat this rotten addiction.  It may be strong, but you are stronger and tougher.  Don't give in.  You have come too far and worked too hard.  Make all of your effort count.

    Step by step, day by day, you are getting closer to your goal of becoming a non-smoker.  Hang in there, because it WILL get easier.  It's just that it takes time.  Remember, you probably smoked for years.  So you can't expect your mind and body to let go just like that.  You need time to adjust.

    I quit cold turkey.  Everyone is different, but in my case, the first month was pure hell.  At the end of the month, I was reduced to tears.  I cried for two days straight. But I just grit my teeth and got on with it.  After that, my cravings dropped off dramatically.

    Hang tough, susanm.  You can do this.  Believe in yourself.  You are doing great.
  3. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hello susanm,

    Missing it and craving it, makes for really tough times. Treepeo has that great voice of experience and support. I hope you are able to take some of those tips and make them work for you and I truly hope that today is better for you susanm.

    Two weeks is fantastic, keep on, you can do it!
  4. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    Hi susanm,

    Congratulations on two smoke free weeks. You must be feeling a lot of satisfaction in that achievement. The reward system you are using is very helpful. It gives you something to work towards and celebrate. I have a bucket list of rewards myself and the further I am in my smoke free program, the greater are the rewards. Instead of buying smokes, these past five months, I have put money into my yard and garden to enjoy through the summer, into new clothes, and most recently into a gym membership. It makes quitting very worth the effort.

    Wishing you another smoke free day.

4 posts, 0 answered