168 posts
12 Aug 2019
27 Dec 2019
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lisa aubin
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Hi lisa!
I'm glad you've set your quit date ... perfect time as everyone gets back to a more regular schedule.
Renee is right, it might be harder with another smoker in the house when you are trying to quit, but do your best not to get too wrapped up in it. I have a few close family members who smoke and before my actual quit date, I wrote out what I needed from them and sat down with them to make sure they were on board.
Among obvious things ... please don't smoke around me until I'm comfortable with it ... please don't leave cigarette packs out for me to look at ... please wash hands and eat a mint after smoking. And above all, I promised to respect their decision not to quit and they needed to respect my desire to quit.
It really made a big difference and certainly minimized potential conflicts in the early weeks of my quit. Everyone knew what was expected of them. As a matter of fact, their smoking had minimal impact on my quitting.
I'm sure you and your husband can come up with a plan that works for both of you.
By setting up your support team, identifying your triggers and how to manage them is huge. Your preparation will serve you well and it sounds like you're ready to "own" your quit!
Let us know if there's anything we can do to support you along the way, lisa.