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29 Nov 2017
25 Apr 2018
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Hi again everyone,
Just an update, I have the snottiest sinus' going and it's been just over 7 days of it now. I didn't go to my walk to quit group yesterday and won't again today. My head feels like I'm stoned, on some kind of drug, but it's just the constantly full sinus' and ear popping crap. So I have my bike, and got a fitbit heart tracker for my brthday (from me!), but my days have not been routine since due to my cold. Today is day 101, I quit on January 15th. No Patches, just the nicotine gum a couple of times a day.
I'm replacing my tri weekly chocolate habit and only having it one day a week now to prevent weight gain. I've gained enough. I bought a scale, and my weight has been fluctauting by 5 pounds daily, ???. So maybe I haven't gained 19 pounds, but have gained 13 pounds? At my age I doubt I'll lose the weight, but now I'm minding it, and make myself get up and move more. It all helps.
Who knew that quitting smoking is leading to more positive health changes. It all felt so overwhelming when I was a smoker. So just this new way of being has been so positive overall. Like I said, constant baby steps is my M.O. I'm glad I didn't try and do it all in my first month, because I porbably would have failed at one of these things, by trying to change too much too fast. But it's these gradual shifts instead, which feel more organic and long lasting.
And my last slip was impulsive, but I didn't let it progress, and I don't feel the worse for wear because I have that nonsmoking lifestye/habit now. Still, I can't let my guard down everytime I have an impulse. Those happy, exciting moments were also hard when I gave up my wine and beer, and I succeeded in that.despite a few slips during the first 5 months. So I think my addiction to cigarettes is very much like it was to alcohol. Definately the Spring lifestyle can be a trigger time for me.
I was musing if I'm going through NRT withdrawl as I battle this cold. Th lethargy and flatness I feel with this cold is just like it was on day 5 or 6. I feel I could nap all day. I seem to crash every 4 hours, just totally energy depleted.
I'm so very happy and pleased that I'm still kicking this addiction and that it isn't so hard anymore. I just want to tell everyone in my shoes to persevere and continue through those first few months and don't give up so easily if you have a slip. Forgive, forget and move on!
Good luck to you all, my brave warriors, we are doing it!! Yay!