karen, quit coach
64 posts
09 Nov 2022
23 May 2023
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Hi Gizmo2021,
Sounds like you have done some reflecting and have changed your way of thinking around your smoking. You recognize your cravings and have found some strategies that are working for you. That is great!
As your body adjusts to life without nicotine, withdrawal symptoms are common. Coughing up phlegm is normal and it's your body's way of clearing out the nicotine. Withdrawal does ease over time and it's temporary.
Cravings are also normal. Although they typically only last for a couple of minutes, they sure can feel like they are lasting much longer. Try to find something to keep your mind and your hands busy. Try one of the 4 D's: delay, distract, drink water or deep breathing. When it is a
tough craving, review your reasons for quitting. Keep your eye on the prize!
Congratulations on day 3 of being smokefree!