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Is it normal to hurt still

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. hopetolive
    hopetolive avatar
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    29 Feb 2020
    29 Feb 2020
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    Hi. I am day 14 of quitting smoking. Doing ok with the not smoking part but still have withdrawl symptoms of anxiety and back pain. Thought it was getting better but then bam! How long do body aches last? Dr said maybe two more weeks. I have googled but that is not a good idea. Can any of you relate? I want to feel good
  2. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    29 Feb 2020 in reply to hopetolive
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    Hi hopetolive,

    I remember physical discomfort and pain, especially at first. 
    Hang in there, it gets better. 
    I found for me that it helps to move more and sit less. Take more steps if you can, walk more, stretching, gentle yoga. 
    I also drank lots of water in the first months and used a natural stress reliever - Rescue Remedy - a flower remedy, in my water. 
    I also learned mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and it has a real impact on pain (and other things)  if you practice daily. 
    I did it and it was amazing - my opinion.  
    Just some suggestions based on my experience.  I’m on day 726 - NOPE

  3. hopetolive
    hopetolive avatar
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    Thanķ you. I definitely need to drink more water. I will try that and the other suggestions. I am tired of hurting. Congrats at over 700 days!!!! That is awesome
  4. camp-out
    camp-out avatar
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    I  am on day 4 - and my back hurts. I never connected it to stopping smoking.... will keep doing the yoga and hope it goes away!
  5. aurora
    aurora avatar
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    For me I believe that some of my body pain is and was connected to traumatic or adverse events in life, and how it was dealt with or not.

    No need to analyze beyond that (unless you want to) but working through some of the body pain, there is a mind-body-spirit connection. Yoga helps many people, and there are many other ways.

    Hope this day is bringing new resolve to "never quit quitting" perseverance for all of you and your families. 

    Now that I am more than two years NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) this is the longest I have ever quit since I started in 1982.  Never quit quitting.  You can do it. Just keep going. One day at a time.
    Last modified on 28 Mar 2020 16:44 by aurora
5 posts, 0 answered