Forums / My journey / Hanging in...

Hanging in...

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. franny
    franny avatar
    41 posts
    29 Nov 2017
    11 Feb 2018
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         I am at one week without cigarettes.  Things are going alright although I have some issues dealing with the free time left from not smoking.  I need to keep busy.  This weekend is hard.  This is a life a change and I need to be strong and not be scared of taking this healthy step.  I feel so much better when I don't smoke, so I will try to remember this.
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Good Morning Franny

    You got this! Stay and think Strong to your Goal, you have fee steps to freedom!

    You Can do this!

    Congrats in 1 week Smoke free!
  3. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Congratulations on one week smoke free Franny!  The free time can be hard, it's a nemesis.  Maybe go and check out the Distractions Forum and you'll find more things to try?  I had a hard time last weekend but then this weekend I didn't.  It's so weird?  And it will pass for good.  Hang in there, you're doing great.
    Celebrate and reward yourself for one week smoke free today, Franny!
  4. clepage
    clepage avatar
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    Good morning Franny,

    Congratulations on your first week smoke free.  I found that the first week was the most difficult.  It does get better after that.  You can find yourself a new hobby or visit a hobby house.
    Keep up the good work!
  5. marianne, quit coach
    marianne, quit coach avatar
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    Hello franny,

    Congratulations on your one week!  A lifestyle change is a big adjustment, extra time on hands now for sure.  What a great time to think outside the box for things to do?  Such an opportunity to be creative with new hobbies and interests!  Ocean's suggestion to check out distraction forum is helpful- always amazes me at how resourceful our members are with distractions.  

    Here is to another successful week for you!

5 posts, 0 answered