Forums / Cravings / Transitioning from nicotine mints to regular mints

Transitioning from nicotine mints to regular mints

2 posts, 0 answered
  1. mulldog
    mulldog avatar
    1 posts
    25 Jan 2020
    24 Jan 2020
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    I'm curious if anyone has experience moving from nicotine mints to regular mints. I'm quite cash conscious and I'm looking to taper off nicotine mints and go to simple bulk store mints.

  2. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
    117 posts
    16 Jul 2018
    25 Jan 2020 in reply to mulldog
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    Hello Mulldog,

    Have you quit smoking already? Ideally once you have quit smoking, it is a good idea to use nicotine lozenge for 3 months or so. I know it's expensive but it is cheaper than smoking and is just a temporary cost. 

    If you really cannot afford the nicotine lozenge try switching to regular mints slowly.

    We are all rooting for you!

    Last modified on 25 Jan 2020 16:26 by renee, quitcoach
2 posts, 0 answered