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feeling ashamed

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. orion
    orion avatar
    1 posts
    01 Jul 2019
    01 Jul 2019
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    yep sorry to say im back after all these years this site and all those that supported me on my journey to 7 years smoke free ty  my daughter just had a baby girl and this habit makes me sad knowing if i keep puffing i might not see her grow tried all the methods to quit nothing so i am once again reaching out for your kindness plz help me beat it.. im hoping to do it must,,, again congrats to all who are staying smoke free and hope to join you soon!!!!!
  2. kate r, quit coach
    kate r, quit coach avatar
    49 posts
    16 Jan 2019
    01 Jul 2019 in reply to orion
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    First, welcome to the forums, we're happy to have you here! It's great to see we have been a past support for you and that you're reaching out again. We have a great, supportive community here.

    Quitting smoking is a journey, and slips and relapses are part of that process. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling ashamed right now, but the feeling indicates that quitting matters to you. Seeing your granddaughter grow is your motivator. You spent 7 years smoke-free, so you can absolutely quit again! You being here and posting means you're not giving up.

    You shared you have tried quit methods in the past. It might be beneficial to call and speak to a quit coach at 1-877-513-5333 to explore your options and quit plan with you. Our office is open again tomorrow, after the Canada Day holiday.

    Kate R
    Last modified on 01 Jul 2019 21:48 by kate r, quit coach
  3. efreeman75
    efreeman75 avatar
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    02 Jul 2019
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    Hi orion - sorry to hear you started up smoking again after 7 years quit.  Proof that we must be ever vigilant in remaining smoke-free.  Aren't baby girls the sweetest things?  There's something about new life that makes us examine our own.

    Slips and relapses do not have to be part of the journey, but unfortunately for many they are.  Please don't feel ashamed.  Instead, use those feelings as motivators to re-start your quit. 

    You refer to smoking as a habit.  For myself, it was only once I realized and accepted that smoking was not a 'habit', but rather a chemical addiction, that I was able to confront and beat the addiction.  Such a mentality may work for yourself as well.

    There are as many ways to quit smoking as there are ways to start.  But every successful quit begins with the decision to quit.  Make the decision and the road to success will lay out in front of you no matter the method(s) you experiment with.

    Wishing you all the best!
  4. jenna c, quit coach
    jenna c, quit coach avatar
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    02 Jul 2019
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    Yes I echo both Kate R and efreeman and want to welcome you back, orion. Despite this set back it seems you are motivated once again to quit and realize how to do the distance that you have shown in your 7yrs being smoke-free!

    Do not feel but understand the relapse happens tot he best of it and you will learn from the last attempt.

    I like what efreeman noted that this is an addiction so realize all it takes is 'one cigarette' for your body to quickly remember the effects of nicotine and going back to smoking regularly. 

    We want to remind you, orion and others that are trying to quit that we are currently offering a free combination therapy trial pack that includes 7 (21mg) patches and 15 (4mg) gum nicotine replacement therapy. You may order from the website of simply call us and of our Quit Coaches
    can determine if you are eligible.

    We are hear for you!

    Jenna C
  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    03 Jul 2019
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    Hi orion,

    I agree with the others.  There is no need to feel ashamed.  The fact that you started smoking again after 7 years smoke free shows just how powerful this addiction is.  That is why I always caution people who have quit to remain vigilant, because you never know when this addiction is going to try to lure you back.  And all it takes is one cigarette to lead you back into a full blown addiction.

    You quit once before, so you know what it takes.  Whether you use an NRT or not, you have to be prepared for some rough times.  You have to be determined to fight through the pain no matter what it takes.  Go back to the basics.  Try to avoid triggers.  Drink lots of water, and do some deep breathing.  And keep busy, distract yourself.  Your mantra should be N.O.P.E., Not One Puff Ever.  As long as you refuse to take one puff, you will achieve your goal of becoming a non-smoker once again.

    You can do this, orion.  Believe in yourself.
5 posts, 0 answered