Forums / My journey / Springtime, Passover, and Easter ...

Springtime, Passover, and Easter ...

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    242 posts
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    A few of the key themes of this time of year can tie directly in with quitting smoking.

    Spring is a time of growth, and quitting is a fantastic growth opportunity.

    Passover celebrates freedom from slavery. Many people feel like slaves to cigarettes, and relish their freedom once they've quit.

    And Easter celebrates rebirth. Quitting can feel like being reborn.

    How do these themes resonate with you on your own personal quit journey?   
  2. franny
    franny avatar
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    I haven't smoked since Good Friday... I consider myself more spiritual than religious' but like you said efram...this is a time of growth and rebirth.   I have tried many times to quit and nrt's but this time i am going cold turkey.  I pray to the universe to persevere and stay quit.  One day at a time, one craving at a time.  Hopefully spring 2019 is my true and final quit.
  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hi Effram

    Sounds a bit crazy, last Friday I started to feel wire! Was running out of Nrt.   so, I decided not to get it anymore! 6 days with out Nrt.

    Not bad, I am a bit irritated, but in control!

    One day at the time! 
  4. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
    242 posts
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    Hi All,

    First of all, franny, congratulations on making it happen, one day at a time! I can tell how important this is for you. I hope that the universe answers your prayers and helps you to be reborn stronger and healthier than ever before!

    And brieffreee, wow, that's exciting news! Six days without nicotine means that there's no nicotine left in your body! It's nice to feel in control, eh? Hopefully that irritation has waned since last week.

    Thank you both for your thoughtful responses.

4 posts, 0 answered