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28 Nov 2017
19 Feb 2019
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Hi ljlj
is normal to feel tired or exhaust, the first few weeks or even a bit longer, your and our body is adjusting to the new you!
A person who has made a commitment to quit for good! You!
Make sure you are eating healthy, try to distract yourself by reading before sleep, just few minutes.
Also, after you quit your body start to recover and regenerate itself, so is working Normally, without smoke!
Is the new you!
I hope you feel much better!
I did not quit with champix
I quit cold turkey
Now after almost 3 years that I quit, I feel Great, my briefing s so much better, I am not coifing at all, I have power in my legs, in general I am so much better!
Last modified on 19 Feb 2019 18:48 by brieffree