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Screwed up after 3 and a half weeks, trying again...with help

9 posts, 1 answered
  1. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
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    Hi! I'm Phoenix and here's my story. After not smoking for 3 and a half weeks I messed up over the weekend and smoked. Why? I have no idea! I thought I had everything in place to make it a successful quit this time but obviously such was not the case. I had the patch for 24 hour support. I had the mini lozenges for the quick nic hit. I had lollipops for the hand to mouth motion. I had hard candy for the times I'm out and about wearing a mask (Lollipops don't work when wearing a mask. Lol) I even had a straw that I cut into 3's that I stuffed for that inhale/exhale sensation that I was missing. I had it all together including a support team and still I managed to mess up. I think it may have been because I ran out of my NRT's and didn't have the money at the time to replace them. (They're expensive.) After crying the blues to my ex on my failure he came to my rescue and now I'm back in business with a 2 week supply. of patches and a bunch of mini lozenges. I even increased my support team by joining various support groups that offer E hour support like Smokers Helpline Online as I'm bound and determined to succeed this time so I can help others in their journey on the road to quitting. My mottos are now NOT ONE PUFF...EVER and NEVER GIVE UP!!!!!

  2. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    04 Mar 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Hi Phoenix,

    First off, congratulations on your 3 1/2 week quit! Smoking is a hard addiction to conquer but you are at it again, determined to succeed,  sticking to your mottos not one puff ever & never give up! Awesome thinking! Keep up the great job on staying positive & working your quit!

    PS I too have struggled with quits, relapsing after several months of being quit & now working on my fourth quit! I’m determined like you & share similar mottos as you! So once again hats off to you in staying motivated to conquer this awful addiction! 

    Last modified on 04 Mar 2021 12:17 by wandam
  3. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    05 Mar 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Hi phoenix,

    I think all of us have slipped at one time or another.  Don't beat yourself up about it.  The important thing is that you are determined and back on track.

    I am really impressed by how prepared you are.  It shows that you are truly committed to quitting, and that is half the battle.

    Hang in there, phoenix.  You can do this, you really can.  Believe in yourself.  I am rooting for you!
  4. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
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    05 Mar 2021 in reply to wandam
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    Thank you for the words of encouragement and all the best to you on your road to being smoke-free. The way I see it is that we're all in this together and together we can do it! 
  5. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
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    05 Mar 2021 in reply to treepeo1
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    Thank you, treepeo1! If I've learned anything from messing up it's that no matter how prepared you think you are, there's still things that can go wrong. Lol That's why I increased my support team by joining various groups like SHO. One thing my original quit team couldn't give me was 24 hour support that's sometimes needed. Also, none of them are smokers and really don't know what it's like to be addicted to something. Now I think I have it all together to actually succeed this time.
  6. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Phoenix, you are smart to increase your supports.  I can tell you that I read and posted here almost every day when I was quitting.  In fact, a few days I was a bit late for work because I needed to log on here and vent.  And I leaned on my best friend at work.  She quit 10 years before I did, and she was a tremendous help to me.  I used to call her and ask if I could pop into her office for a private chat.  She got me through many a bad day at work where I wasn't sure I could hold on.  But with her help, I did hold on and eventually I beat this rotten addiction.

    I really admire your dedication and commitment to quitting.  To my mind, you are doing everything right.  Keep it up, phoenix.  You will love being a non-smoker.
  7. phoenix
    phoenix avatar
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    08 Mar 2021 in reply to treepeo1
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    Wow! Thanks for the words of encouragement, treepeo1! So far, it's been one week since my last cigarette. I've set a short term goal for myself by trying to beat 3 and a half weeks. I'm hoping to go 4 weeks without a smoke. The next goal I have in mind is to beat 3 months which was the length of a previous quit 11 years ago. There's one major difference between the 2 quits, tho. When I screwed up 11 years ago, I went back to smoking. When I screwed up last weekend, I went back to quitting! I really want to be a non smoker. For 3 months I had the will but lost the power. For 3 and a half weeks I had the power but lost the will. In a weekend relapse, I found the willpower to not give up on myself. What also helped was my 16-year old threatened to rat me out to the person I connived the smokes from Lol
  8. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    10 Mar 2021 in reply to phoenix
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    Congratulations Phoenix on being 1 week smoke free & setting small goals to accomplish on your smoke free journey! I agree with treepoe, you are smart to increase your supports! Those extra supports can make all the difference in helping us to be successful on our quit journeys, especially during the trying, difficult times/days, it’s nice to have understanding people to lean on. Keep up the great work 👍
    Last modified on 10 Mar 2021 11:13 by wandam
  9. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    Way to go Pheonix!!  It was just a little mistake, you've grown from it.  Never throw in the towel and you're there!  I'm the queen of little mistakes and a slip here or there but I haven't given up.  I've taken to youtubing video's when I feel like having a "just one".  Those can be hard to shake when they rear their ugly head.  Overall I've gotton used to not smoking, and used to fighting mild cravings.  But what I'm most excited about is not "thinking of smoking" every minute of my day anymore.  You'll get here!
9 posts, 1 answered