steven, quit coach
40 posts
12 Sep 2018
06 Nov 2018
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Hello cec57 and shazzan,
Congratulations to both of you for setting your quit dates and making adjustments to a healthier lifestyle, and welcome, both of you to the community forums!
Cec57-there is a lot of benefit to having peer support such as on this forum. It is good to hear you have already been thinking of things you can do to help quit, such as reading, and being in contact with those who have quit/are quitting smoking.
As for your question about looking for support from quit coaches here, did you have any specific concerns or questions you would like to discuss or address? If you would like to have an in depth discussion about anything quit smoking related, feel free to give us a call at 1 877 513 5333, we would be happy to help you cec57! Again, Congrats on taking your first steps forward in leading a smoke-free life!
Shazzan-the healthy lifestyle changes you are making seem great! You list some awesome strategies for dealing with cravings (deep breathing, frozen fruit). However, I have not heard of this "lung detox" you mentioned, but if you have any concerns about it, I suggest you check it out with your doctor. You seem to be well prepared/ready for this quit, and thank you for your positive reinforcement on this forum thus far! Again, if you would like additional support in quitting smoking, feel free to call us at 1 877 513 5333.