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I miss the old me

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. breath20
    breath20 avatar
    5 posts
    21 Jan 2020
    21 Jan 2020
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    Hi. I'm hoping someone can relate and give me advice from down the road. I quit cold turkey on January 2nd (19 days ago) and the cravings are pretty much gone, I can breath deeply, cough is gone, sleeping better, etc. All the benefits I knew quitting smoking would bring. However, when I smoked I loved playing guitar, having a few beers, socializing, doing projects around the house, etc. Since I quit I have no passion, no ambition and nothing to look forward to. I miss the old me. Is this normal? Will the old me return and will I get my spark back? Thanks for listening.
  2. renee, quitcoach
    renee, quitcoach avatar
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    16 Jul 2018
    21 Jan 2020 in reply to breath20
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    Hello Breath20,

    Congratulations for quitting smoking! This is huge! Well done!

    I am so happy you have already seen such big benefits like breathing deeply, not coughing and sleeping better. Quitting smoking is definitely the best thing you can do for your health.

    I also want to assure you, it is very normal to miss smoking. Especially in the beginning. Remember you have just quit recently so try not to be so hard on yourself. It may also be a little awkward for you to enjoy beers and playing guitar without smoking but, please give yourself time to adjust to not smoking. Smoking is very addictive and many smokers associate many things with smoking so there is an adjustment period.

    Keep up the good work! We are all rooting for you.

  3. breath20
    breath20 avatar
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    21 Jan 2020
    21 Jan 2020 in reply to renee, quitcoach
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    Thanks Renee. I have always been a bit impatient and a 'results now' kinda person. You just made me realize I'm applying that to my current predicament too. No quick fix when it comes to this I guess. Hopefully my passions will return in a few more weeks.
  4. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    12 Aug 2019
    21 Jan 2020 in reply to breath20
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    Hi breath20!

    First of all, congratulations on your amazing success! 

    I can totally relate to your post, and validate everything you're feeling … I experienced the same thing.  

    It felt like everything I loved to do now held zero desire. I am a fibre artist and it has been my passion for several years. When I first quit smoking I would walk into my studio, stand there, turn around and leave. I didn't want to spend time with my closest friend because what was the point if I couldn't smoke while we sat drinking wine and solving the worlds problems.

    I was depressed. And I don't think its uncommon to feel this way and to lose interest in things for a while.

    I countered it by "learning" something new. For me it was choosing a recipe from another country, buying all the ingredients and then spending a Sunday cooking a meal (huge, considering I'm not the cook in my house!). Not only did this trigger dopamine (learning something new is a great way to train the brain to produce dopamine which nicotine did for us), it helped to distract me from my lack of interest in the things I used to love.

    And I promise you, the things you love will come rise again! We have to learn to approach everything as a non smoker and the transition effects every aspect of our lives. Everything I loved to do as a smoker I love again … and as a matter of fact, my creativity has transformed and I've never been happier with the work I'm creating. 

    You are going to come out of this a new person … you, just a better version of you.

    So hang in. And be proud of yourself here. Quitting smoking is freaking hard!
    Last modified on 21 Jan 2020 15:03 by justfortoday
  5. breath20
    breath20 avatar
    5 posts
    21 Jan 2020
    21 Jan 2020 in reply to justfortoday
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    Wow! Thx justfortoday. That's exactly how I'm feeling. You nailed it. Glad better days are ahead.
5 posts, 0 answered