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First week of quit

4 posts, 0 answered
  1. jennifer ross
    jennifer ross avatar
    2 posts
    30 Jan 2020
    06 Feb 2020
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    Hi everyone,, this is Jennifer,
    Well I set February 7, tomorrow, as my quit date. But I actually had my last puff on the 1st. I just didn't want to be addicted to nicotine anymore. I hate craving nicotine. But here I am, on day 5, and I've had nothing but cravings. The nicotine must be out by of my system by now, so Ihope this doesn't last forever.
    Take care, everyone.
  2. emily, quit coach
    emily, quit coach avatar
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    06 Feb 2020
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    Hi Jennifer,

    Congratulations on quitting!! 

    Day 3-5 can be some of the most difficult days for people who quit. If you are not using a nicotine replacement then your right, the nicotine is out of your system. But your body is looking for you to replace that and that's why the cravings can be so strong. It will get easier with time.

    Other than the physical addiction to nicotine, we often have other routines/times where we would have normally smoked that can set off cravings as well. 

    Do you have anything that you're doing to help you get through those urges?

    All the best,
  3. jennifer ross
    jennifer ross avatar
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    30 Jan 2020
    07 Feb 2020 in reply to emily, quit coach
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    Hi Emily,
    Thanks so much for your reply! Well, today is Day 6 and the cravings were a little easier to manage last night, and for that I am grateful. To keep my hands busy, I've taken up knitting again. And I've been eating a lot of grapes and popcorn, and drinking tons of water. I also find gum, regular not Nicorettte, really gets me through the worst of them. I'm really worried about my boyfriend coming over tomorrow night. He always makes a nice dinner, and we have a nice glass of wine and get caught up. I don't know how to do that without having a cigarette 😣
  4. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
    255 posts
    06 Feb 2020
    07 Feb 2020 in reply to jennifer ross
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    Hi Jennifer,

    First of all, congratulations to you for deciding to quit smoking.  It takes courage and guts to quit, and I commend you for taking the plunge.

    I quit cold turkey 3 years ago.  I decided to face my demons right off the bat, so I went ahead and drank coffee, and I also drank alcohol.  I used to get terrible cravings with any kind of food, even something as small as a peanut.  But obviously coffee and alcohol were also triggers.  But what I did was I kept telling myself, "I am choosing to be a non-smoker.  This is my decision, and I am going to make it happen."  And I just resisted each craving.

    Now, we are all different.  You have already make it 6 days.  Can you skip the alcohol for at least a little while?  Maybe stick to water or something that won't act as such a major trigger?  The first month is really critical, and you have to be prepared to take whatever steps you think are necessary to keep you on the right track.  You know yourself best.  Put yourself first at all costs.  If you can get through this first month, then you will be well on your way to being a non-smoker.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do tonight.  And stay strong.  You can do this.  Believe in yourself.
4 posts, 0 answered