832 posts
29 Nov 2017
16 Apr 2019
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kate r, quit coach
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Hi Kate,
I got a lot of support from family and friends when I quit. But two sisters of mine were completely unsupportive. They never once asked me how my quit was going, how I was feeling, none of that. But they both smoke. And I realized that on some level, they wanted me to fail so they could tell themselves, "See, it can't be done. We can't quit at this point in our lives." In some ways, I get it, because I remember that I used to feel guilty when someone I knew quit. I used to ask myself, why can they do it and not me? But I realized that you have to be ready to quit. You have to really, really want to quit, and you have to be prepared to suffer a bit.
So even though I was hurt that these two sisters did not support me, I just told myself that I was doing something amazing, and that I was going to forge ahead, no matter what. And look at me now. I have been a non-smoker for over two years, and I am so thankful that I made it through the quitting process. And I could not have done it without the Smoker's Helpline. This site made all the difference in the world, because I really had no idea how to go about quitting. I did the exercises, read the materials, set a quit time, and met a lot of wonderful people here along the way. And I want to remain a non-smoker for the rest of my life.