296 posts
02 Apr 2018
20 Feb 2019
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I just received an e-mail from SHO congratulating me for being smoke-free for 1 year. They said I can celebrate by shouting from the rooftops or quietly patting myself on the back. Think I'll shout it from the rooftop - ONE WHOLE FREAKIN' YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!
It's been a long and difficult journey. But every low had an even higher high. First month went by better than expected. Months 2-4 proved to be quite difficult, but with unwavering persistence and the support offered here, the sun began to shine a little brighter every day. I don't know if I could call the last 6 months easy, but they were very manageable as I have now fully developed the mentality of a non-smoker. I was on business last week on an island off the Florida coast (tough job, I know), and went up to the rooftop patio with a group one night. A few guys broke out the cigarettes and lit up. In the past, this would have bothered me, and I would have moved in to get a whiff, especially considering that Marlboro Reds were always my special treat in the US. This time I was honestly disgusted by the foul odour, and I moved my seat to the end of the table. Not even tempted to jeopardize my quit, that is how valuable it is and how far I've come.
Quitting smoking is a challenge, but it is not impossible. It does get easier and the rewards are incredible. When I quit, my wife promised me a new watch I had been looking at if I made it to 1 year. Last night she was joking about going shopping today, when I told her I had changed my mind for my gift. I now want new cross-country skis for the whole family. Since quitting smoking, my energy and endurance have increased exponentially, and being physically active is again very important to me. I guess my cracked FitBit is going to have to last a little while longer.
Perhaps the best advice I can offer to those early in their quits is to remember to laugh. There will be difficult times, but if you can laugh, you will get through it. Laughter replaces some of that dopamine that nicotine used to give us.
Thank you to everyone that has helped me achieve this freedom. I owe you so much.