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Quit Day Today

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. rene15
    rene15 avatar
    1 posts
    03 Dec 2019
    03 Dec 2019
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    Had my last cigarette this morning around 8:15am; no cravings yet.....but I do have a lot of fruit at my desk and losenges too! I need to suck on something to occupy my mind. Oh and my lungs are starting to feel better than they have in quite a few days, I am doing this for my health and my children's sake. I don't want them to end up a smoker like me. I am doing this cold turkey, and I believe I can...
  2. atp
    atp avatar
    501 posts
    31 Dec 2018
    03 Dec 2019 in reply to rene15
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    Congrats on deciding to quit, and there is no better reason than your health, except of course that of your kids. 

    I tried to quit so many times over the years, it took seeing my then 19yo son smoking to get me to challenge him to quit if I would quit. 11 months later and I am a happy non-smoker with a happy non-smoking son. 

    BTW- I feel like I am 20 years younger since I quit. It makes that much difference! 

    Drink Lots and lots of water - it helps. 

    Good luck!
  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
    168 posts
    12 Aug 2019
    03 Dec 2019 in reply to rene15
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    Hi rene15!

    So happy you've decided to quit! It's by far and away the best decision I've made for myself.

    The first few days might be tricky, but please reach out here when it's tough. Everyone here has your back.

    Today is three months into my quit and being here has made a huge difference.

    Do whatever you need to do over the next little while to keep moving forward on your quit journey.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress!
3 posts, 0 answered