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26 Aug 2018
08 Sep 2018
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I can only speak of the cold turkey method. I have not tried other ways. I went cold turkey because I didn’t want to give up one nicotine infusing thing (smoking) by replacing it with another (patch, gum, etc.). I feel the MINOR thing is ridding the body of nicotine. The MAJOR thing is breaking the habit: the after eating habit, the with a cocktail habit, the driving in the car habit, the bored habit, the between chores habit.
They say doing the same thing for two weeks creates a habit. Ok, so I’ve been smoke free for two weeks now. Have I created a new habit? Well, yes, sort-of. I have created new distractions that have taken the place of old habits. So, the junk drawer is organized, the laundry is all done, that bedside novel is actually getting read, the sewing is going gangbusters. Things are moving forward and I’m confident in my quit.
But, how did I even make it this far? It’s all a mind game and it all comes down to this: You have to want to quit. You can’t be told, can’t be made to feel guilty, can’t be forced. It’s YOU that has to want to be a non-smoker. You have to make the decision. Ya, I know, that sounds heavy. And ya, this is all on you. So, how do you do it?
You may have to be selfish. Concentrate on you and your needs only. Doing this for you is time consuming and energy sucking which sometimes means not doing things for others. You have to take care of yourself first - at a time like this, sometimes others have to come second.
Revel in your success over nicotine. A day of success, a week of success, a year of success...every day you are nicotine free makes you a stronger person and more in control. Reward yourself - but stay sharp! Don’t let your guard down.
Take the time to look back on where you’ve been, how far you’ve come. Reflect on your suffering and remember the pain that you were in at the beginning of your journey. It helps to cement it into your memory so as to enforce the want and desire to never have to go through that again.
Forward thinking needs to come slowly. It is sometimes overwhelming to think about the future and how next you will handle all the cravings you may have to face. Concern yourself with the right now, the current situation, be in the moment. Get through the now because the later will happen later so no good comes from worrying about it now. Time actually feels like it’s standing still here in the beginning. This process drags... Stay current.
But then...
Next thing you know, you are a non-smoker. Ya, I know, easy to say but so difficult to do! Are you up for the challenge? Do it! DO IT! It is so worth it.