98 posts
12 Jul 2018
20 Jul 2018
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Its like Emily said, try not to be to hard on yourself, Ive been slipping and sliding in and out of this program since I first entered this program back in 2008, slipping is part of the process that unfortunately we all have to go through, to me when we slip, there is something not right within me that is not well, its my job to figure out what that something is, when slipped this last time it devastated me, I had 8 years of successful quit under my belt, for me it was pride and arrogance that brought me back, for 2 years I punished myself, and when I quit this time I had to humble myself and leave it all at the door, all we can do is get up, brush myself off and try again, do an inventory of yourself and and try and see if you can find where you went wrong, we are always here to support you Susamm, when your ready, come back to us, we are waiting
Last modified on 20 Jul 2018 14:34 by smitty