Forums / Welcome / Desperate for advice on quitting smoking cold turkey and deal with the first two weeks. What will i.expect??!!!

Desperate for advice on quitting smoking cold turkey and deal with the first two weeks. What will i.expect??!!!

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. bernvang
    bernvang avatar
    4 posts
    26 Nov 2020
    26 Nov 2020
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    Desperate to stop the fight with myself to finally admit i want to quit smoking cold turkey!!!

    I am very stubborn first off but im also very logical and realistic and honest. I want to.quit 100% as soon as possible. I know i need alot of support no matter how or in what format to.receive it. I know i am very weak with the fight with myself on this battle. But i have decided i.will not admit i want to quit unless im am seriously committed to doing so.

    I know myself. I know i fight with my own thoughts and give in.or justify why im not teady. I just know right now i want it badly and i cannot turn to any fillers to.ease the addiction i have to go cold turkey. Friends have experienced the first week being the worst with extreme mood swings and emotional outbursts which i am very knowledgeable in those when i run out of smokes or haven't got the funds duw period for a few days. I have been extremely moody and i hate how its almost and quite certainly uncontrollable and no matter my awareness and feeling horrible for acting out its so hard to think or  do much for anyone except try to make a deal to gwt me a pack till i get paid. Im glad that hasnt happen recently but it sure is a very embarrassing side of myself begging and making deals all because im so addicted to smoking and i hate how it controls my moods that much!! That ia.honestly my biggest issue. My health is very concerning rn and i know quitting wpuld help majorly but how i behave and have smoking rule my behavior is ao bothersome. I dont let things rule me if i can help it!! But i know i am addicted being 41 and a full time smoker since i was 16. I want a better and healthier future for myself and really taking into consideration that my bf has brought up his concerns of my health issues that can be improved by my own doing but that he wants mw to last as long as him is the sweetest a guy has wvee said to me so i know ots out of love. But his execution sucks , really bad at times and his timing of his concerns and it does come off harsh to an outsider im sure,but, his general point was that he wants me to take care of myself so he has me by his side as long as he can. He eats clean and very well nutritionally with smootthies regularly and very strict with hisvdiet and routine although he may indulge in some good  beers and the rare veggie pizza with me but still good choices he makes are that eats very healthy and hes very into cycling inside and outside like his therapy he explains.
    I need help i need support and a serious kick in the pants often. But im willing to do the work and make better choices just more scared of how miserable i will be for the short and temporary time withdrawing. And yes its short time but its harsh and hard to go tthrough such dark moments with not smoking the first week or two. Especially when i know how i get running out of s smokes for a day or two.  i just know it will test me and i need help and understanding and tips that have helped anyone through the first few weeks struggle to ease the miserable moods t hat may come on strong. No b.s. just real life and honesty to myself and to wanting to quit and no lies!!!
  2. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
    265 posts
    28 Jun 2018
    26 Nov 2020 in reply to bernvang
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    Hi again bernvang,

    I have replied to your other 2 posts as well. Again I thank you for pouring out your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

    There is a theme in each of your posts: pros and cons of quitting.

    I would encourage you to take the time to make a list of each side. For example:

    pro: enjoy smoking
    con: having to bum smokes off of people

    When you get a craving, or experience a withdrawal symptom, looking back on this list may help to manage as it will offer you the encouragement and strength you need to keep going.

    Hope this helps,

    Jenna Lee
  3. wandam
    wandam avatar
    241 posts
    05 Feb 2019
    30 Nov 2020 in reply to bernvang
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    Hi bernvang,

    First of all thanks for being real & sharing exactly what you are feeling/fearing, especially in regards to quitting smoking! The very first time I quit, I struggled big time, counting every hour that first day of my quit. Luckily my husband, who never smoked, was supportive of my quit. I’m sure I drove him mad at times with all my enthusiasm, ups & downs of smoking that he went through with me! The 2, 3 & 4 time I quit were still tough, yet not as tough as the first time, because I learnt some helpful tips from this site & others who had quit! Some of those tips included drinking lots of water, I hated water, so I added lemons, changed up my routine, did things differently, kept busy, exercised a little & the biggest of all I did all the homework exercises on this site, my favourite the pros & cons, along with the 4 D’s! Quitting is scary & not easy to do but with a little help, it’s possible! Hope this helps you! Encouraging you to keep leaning on this site.
    Last modified on 30 Nov 2020 17:12 by wandam
3 posts, 0 answered