Forums / My journey / Worries


9 posts, 0 answered
  1. chartippybum
    chartippybum avatar
    83 posts
    21 Mar 2018
    01 Jul 2018
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    I dont know why but i am feeling unconfident about my quit. Ive come to step 3 of the patch and i am realizing soon i will be off them. Its 3 months. I just woorry im going to start agaain. Little thoughts of smoking have slipped into my mind and it worries me. Ive quit before and started again. I guess i am feeling too confident about my quit. I still need to stay humble. I just dont want to slip and do it all over again. 
  2. jennifer, quit coach
    jennifer, quit coach avatar
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    01 Jul 2018 in reply to chartippybum
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    Good Morning chartippybum,

    So glad you've come by to share your worries! 

    Worrying about how you'll maintain your quit is pretty normal, after all you've done so much hard work to get where you are! Sometimes it helps to jazz up your quit plan, add some new strategies, take up a new hobby or activity to shift your focus from those little thoughts of smoking. Is there anything you like to do or have always wanted to try?

    Also, just to note that while the usual course of NRT is about 3 months, some people will use it for longer, chat with your pharmacist or doctor about what might be right for you. And as always, feel free to reach out to Smoker's Helpline at 1-877-513-5333 to chat with one of our Quit Coaches.

    Let us know how you are doing!

  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    01 Jul 2018 in reply to chartippybum
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    Hi Chartippubum

    You are doing ok, those feelings are normal, you need to distract your self from that moment.
    Depend how addicted you where you might need some help for a wile until you build confidence!

    Drink water
    Go for a walk
    Hear music
    talk to someone
    Do something around...

    Try to change that Moment until that feeling is gone, you will be more strong for the next one.!

    Think positive, and focus in the Reason why you Quit!

    You can do it!
    Last modified on 01 Jul 2018 18:33 by brieffree
  4. susanyw
    susanyw avatar
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    06 Jun 2018
    03 Jul 2018 in reply to chartippybum
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    Hi thanks for sharing this. I have been off for a month with the patch and I slipped this weekend.  smoked 1 and it tasted absolutely horrible.  It was all stress related for me smoked a couple more and actually felt kinda sick.  slapped that step 2 patch on this morning.  One day at a time again.  geez it's a horrible addiction.
  5. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    03 Jul 2018
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    Hi Susanyw,

    Yes it is a horrible insidious addiction. Smoking never does end well! Congratulations on returning to your quit and thank you for sharing this experience.

    Wishing you another smoke free day.


  6. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    03 Jul 2018
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    Hi chartippybum,

    In a way it's good that you have some worries about slipping, because that will help to keep you on your toes.  We can never be complacent, because every once in a while, we get tempted to "just have one".  And we all know that that leads to a full blown addiction rearing its ugly head.

    When I am tempted, which I am occasionally, I think about how hard my first month was, because I never want to go through that again.  Once was more than enough.

    And chartippybum, give yourself a great big pat on the back, because you have done something truly amazing.  You quit smoking, which is really tough to do.  Hang in there, and remember, Not One Puff Ever.  It's just not worth it.
  7. abby
    abby avatar
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    05 Jul 2018
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    You are doing great. I'm 42 days cold turkey. It did me well to eliminate the nicotine completely. Now no more cravings. Good luck with your quit plan to end the nicotine.
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    05 Jul 2018
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    Hi everyone,

    Yes, cravings can happen, slips can happen, even months after quitting, no matter the quit method. But it's always about getting back up on that horse.

    Great tips here about working on that mindset: thinking about what you went through in the 1st month after quitting, distractions, re-using/continuing nicotine replacement therapy (nrt), reasons why you quit, etc.

    Thanks to everyone

    Jenna Lee
  9. ocean
    ocean avatar
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    05 Jul 2018
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    Hi Charitippybum,

    Don't worry, you have a lot more control than you think, and it's inevitable that you still have thoughts of smoking.  It's only been three months, which is amazing!  I fell off the wagon this last month or two, gently at first but it gradually became more consistent so my alarm bell went off and I'm back.  I understand the fear of losing control of it, but when I relapsed I still always thought of not smoking more, and going without many times.  Once it's in your mind like it is after 3 months of practice, it will make you feel guilty when you smoke, then eventually it won't feel as desirable anymore.  But I totally get what you're saying!  The fear of smoking is real and needs to be dealt with, so try not to obsess and overthink it if you can.  Best of luck!
9 posts, 0 answered