Forums / My journey / Don't worry you can do it

Don't worry you can do it

5 posts, 0 answered
  1. christopher
    christopher avatar
    1 posts
    30 Oct 2018
    30 Oct 2018
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    Hello Everyone,

    I tried to quit with the help of a program.  Unfortunately, due to the fact that I couldn't always get away from work to attend the mandatory meetings the program quit on me.

    I don't want you to get discouraged though.  I eventually used Laser Treatment which I received on April 21st, 2017.  I tell you that was the last time I ever picked up a cigarette after smoking for 30 years.  I moved the very next week into my new home and still I didn't pick up a cigarette.

    I won't lie to you there are times that the smell of cigarette smoke from others is sweet smelling and other times it is rank and burns the nostrils when I breathe it in.  At least now I know that I am healthier after quitting and my clothes no longer stink and to be honest neither do I.  The biggest shock was how I thought I was totally hiding the fact that I was smoking but after quitting and smelling others passing by me I realized that there was no possible way that I could hide it. 

    So my words to you are to believe in yourself even if others give up on you because you are worth it and you can do it!
    Last modified on 30 Oct 2018 14:20 by Quit Coach 2
  2. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    30 Oct 2018 in reply to christopher
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    Hi Everyone,

    Congratulations on over a year and a half smoke-free, Christopher! And welcome to Smokers' Helpline's online community.

    You're feeling healthier, clothes and self no longer stinking ... there's a lot to celebrate!

    Thank you for sharing your encouraging words. We have to believe in ourselves in order to accomplish feats such as quitting smoking, and for those harder days it's nice to also have support from others!

  3. eagerquit
    eagerquit avatar
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    07 Mar 2018
    31 Oct 2018
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    Hi Christopher,

    I was on a long platform today waiting for a city bus. There were smokers at both ends and in the middle. There was no escaping their smoke. There were also young children on the platform who had to put up with the second hand smoke from these discourteous people. That habit of smoking just anywhere reinforced me in my continued quit.

    Your words of believing in yourself because you are worth it are very wise. Responsibility to myself and my health is a primary goal of mine. I have nearly eight months smoke free now and don't regret a minute of it! My dashboard tells me have saved 60 days of life since March.

  4. rosie1931
    rosie1931 avatar
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    Congratulations Eager and Christopher.  Thanks for your words of encouragement!  So inspiring.  And it does get easier as time goes by, hoping to join both of you in a smoke-free future.

    Thanks again.
  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    31 Oct 2018
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    Hi Christopher,

    It is wonderful to hear that you quit and kept your quit all this time.  What a terrific accomplishment.

    You are right, a smoker cannot hide their habit.  For the most part, the smell of smoke off a cigarette doesn't bother me.  But the smell coming off smokers themselves, well, I can't stand the stench.  Just the other day, a smoker got on the streetcar and I almost started to gag, he reeked so bad.  And that is how I smelled most of my life.  How embarrassing.  Just another reason I am so glad I quit.
5 posts, 0 answered