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Quit 5 weeks ago still have side effects

3 posts, 0 answered
  1. happy2quit
    happy2quit avatar
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    This is my inaugural  post on my first day of registering on this site. I have unexpectedly quit cigarettes and marijuana cold turkey. Unexpectedly because I had an anxiety attack and didn't smoke anything for 5 days- when I lit up a cigarette I had lost the taste for it and I always said to myself the day cigarettes didn't taste good and or I lost their enjoyment would be the day I'd quit. Voila!I I did try and continue to smoke marijuana - however, I had to stop that,  as I would get intense cravings to smoke a cigarette afterwards which- Ironically- would " suck" the enjoyment out of that and stopped that as well. I have lit the occasional cigarette and take 3-4 drags then I throw it away- have I set myself back by doing that? 
    I like, others was expecting to feel great after I got over the 3 days of nicotine withdrawal- this has not been the case entirely. I have been spared some of the withdrawal symptoms- however, I have noticed that I will feel dizzy occasionally, foggy brain etc just to name a few.  I take solace in the fact that I didn't have any of these issues prior to quitting. I am wondering if this and other symptoms are magnified because I quit both at the same time. 

  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    Hello happy2quit - we are so glad you joined us here online, and congratulations on being quit 5 weeks! WOW! 
    Sound like although you were not planning on quitting, its proving to be exactly what you were meant to be doing at this point in your life. 

    Withdrawal can involve a long list of symptoms - including the ones you mentioned like difficulty concentrating and feeling lightheaded. Your body is going through alot right now, and its working really hard on getting well. This is part of the healing process, and may involve more sleep or taking daily tasks a bit more gently. 
    Of course, if you concerns about any of your symptoms, reach out to a health care professional to discuss, and let them know you quit smoking.

    Hoping the coming days and weeks ahead have you feeling you better.
    All the best and keep up the all your great work!

  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    Hello happy2quit

    Good Morning 

    Very happy that you reach for advice, Congrats in 5 weeks smoke free! all you feel is complete normal healing process, your body, and brain started to clear up very slow. I believe you are going well. I will consider to see my Doctor to check about my quit. 
    What helps me a lot was to distract my self from those moments!
    Drink plenty water
    Speak with someone you know  about how you feel
    Keep your self busy during those moments, like dong something instead of thinking. 
    What ever you do Must be healthy, constructive and Regarding to you! 
    I hope it helps, you are worth it, 
    You can do it!

    One day at the time! Never give up!

    All the best!

3 posts, 0 answered