135 posts
15 Feb 2018
12 Feb 2019
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Hi atp and E,
Thank you so much for your posts. I guess so much of it does have to do with the mindset. I do agree. I want to be a non-smoker. I have an update on my plan to quit. First and foremost, I think if I start the patch and only use it for 7 days I am setting myself up for relapse. After the 7 days what will I do?? I will be jonesing again. I am in a program where they can give you patches for free (I can't afford to buy anymore). The problem is, I don't see the woman who has this until March 1st. I am only smoking 10 cigs a day so I bought the No 2 patch for 10 or less cigarettes. I could get a couple more from her. Not sure if I will have to wait til March 1st or not. My program is on Wednesdays so this Wed I go and explain the situation. Perhaps I could start my patches right away?? That would be awesome! I would start the patch right away!
Also, which may be taboo on here, I don't know but I got some CBD oil. Just for daily use with no THC in it. I take it twice a day. I have been on it now for 3 days and it is really helping with my anxiety, yes, already. Just my focus is better and stuff. However, I just really need to quit via the patches cuz I know it would help me then with my anxiety over quitting. Also, I have other issues the CBD oil could help with. I will have to see about that as I progress on it. I am to see my psychiatrist today and I just hope he is open to cbd. It is helping me but I may have to wean off my anxiety "prescribed" meds. I hope he is open-minded about the CBD oil. I can only pray (seems a lot of doctors are against it)
Anyhow, all in all I am still smoking. I have to stay at 10 a day so the patch will work when I start it. I am just waiting to see how everything falls into place. So much of it is out of my hands. It's just where I am and it may sound to some like bs but I am trying to do what will WORK. Not just attempt blindly and keep relapsing. I want to quit AND I have to quit. No if and or buts about it. One day at a time, as always. Thank you so much for being here for me and if you want to call me on anything I've said, please don't hesitate. I can take the brutal truth <3
butterflyna/Laurie xo
Last modified on 12 Feb 2019 01:16 by butterflyna