16 posts
02 Sep 2024
11 Sep 2024
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I thought I’d say hello. I’m on day 3, using the Nicoderm patch. I also read Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking book. It has some contrary opinions like, using ‘aids’ (patches, gum, etc.) are a crutch. I think whatever keeps me smoke-free is good.
I’d love to hear from other women: I quit for the obvious reasons (health, social ease, money, ease of life, not smoking outside in the freezing cold & rain) but did any of you have a vanity motivator too? I love that I smell great & am curious to see if the overall appearance of my skin improves. I think my hair will benefit too. How can being in smoke all day have any positive impact? I’d think the opposite would make skin, hair, teeth, etc. much more healthy-looking.
Opinions? (or am I just the sole vain ex-smoker here?) 😉
Thanks for any feedback