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Champ to the rescue

8 posts, 8 answered
  1. me_n_freedom
    me_n_freedom avatar
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    14 Sep 2018
    21 Jun 2019
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    Hopefully this is the time it works. Smoke free day set as next Saturday June 29 hopefully the medication I started yesterday will kick in by then as I am still smoking now waiting for that day. Don't know what I will do with myself!! Stress is a big trigger and I am not getting much support from my bf, in any area anyway so that's not new but I need all the support I can get to kick this bad habit one and for all
  2. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    21 Jun 2019 in reply to me_n_freedom
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    Hi me n freedom

    Congrats in your quit date! go for it! Do not  be   afraid, nothing happens if you stop feeding your lungs wit smoke. In fact day not smoke is a rezone to celebrate! Jump to freedom!
  3. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi me_n_freedom,

    Congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking.  I am sorry to hear you don't have a good support system, but we will support you here.  And you can always call a quit coach when you feel the need, so you will not be alone on your journey.

    Stress is a trigger for so many people.  A big part of quitting is learning how to deal with stressful situations without lighting up.  I found it very helpful to distract myself.  So instead of reaching for a cigarette, I might go for a walk, read a book, or play a game on my computer.  Anything to keep my mind off of the cravings.  At first it's really hard, but it does get easier.  You just have to be determined enough not to give in.

    You might find it useful to read some of the tips for quitting on this site.  There are some exercises that take you through the process of quitting step by step.  I remember that I had no idea how to go about quitting, so the information on this site was invaluable.

    And always remember, you are important, and you deserve to live a smoke free life.  You can beat this addiction, you really can.  Believe in yourself.  You can do this!
  4. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    22 Jun 2019
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    Hello me_n_freedom & welcome to (and great name choice too, by the way!)
    Congrats on setting a quit date and starting your cessation medication! Two very big steps. What made you decide to quit smoking? 
    Its not unusual to be triggered to smoke as a result of came to the right place for support! Is there anything else you do to ease stress other than smoke?
    Know that we are here for you! As well, as Treepeo mentioned, you can call & speak with a Quit Coach 7 days a week at 1-877-513-5333.
  5. me_n_freedom
    me_n_freedom avatar
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    14 Sep 2018
    24 Jun 2019 in reply to sarah, quit coach
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    Quitting and regaining my freedom. I am not enjoying smoking anymore I feel like a slave
  6. grace, quit coach
    grace, quit coach avatar
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    24 Jun 2019
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    Hi me_n_freedom,

    Nicotine addiction has a very strong pull on the mind doesn't it? Definitely not something to take on alone so glad you're here.

    Like treepeo mentioned, simple strategies like going for walks, playing a game on your phone/computer or deep breathing can go a long way towards calming your mind when you're feeling stressed. Focus on what works for you and keep us posted on what's working well.

    Take care,
  7. me_n_freedom
    me_n_freedom avatar
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    25 Jun 2019
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    Looking at the coming date (this coming Saturday) and feeling a bit less stressed. Thank you all for your kind words.

    I a still smoking, but with the help of an app, I see when was my last one so I am working on reducing the amount per day by stretching the time between each one. 

    I am familiarizing myself with the forum and letting myself be inspired by the succes stories.

    I will be one of those story soon.
  8. elke, quit coach
    elke, quit coach avatar
    21 posts
    14 Jun 2019
    25 Jun 2019 in reply to me_n_freedom
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    Hi me_n_freedom, 

    I am glad that feeling less stressed and that you are working on cutting down on the amount of cigarettes you are smoking! 
    It can be helpful to eliminate everything that reminds you of smoking such as cigarettes, ashtrays and lighters, to change your routines and to keep yourself busy. We can help you to create a personalized quit plan if interested. As Sarah mentioned, please feel free to reach out to the Smokers' Helpline (1-877-513-5333) for support. 

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

8 posts, 8 answered