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Back Ugain

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. mina
    mina avatar
    8 posts
    17 May 2018
    02 Jul 2020
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    Just wanted to stop in to say hello, I’m back ugain. I have not achieved success at quitting smoking once again. So disappointed in myself. I have not reset my quit date but will, once I have worked things out in my mind & know that I am fully prepared for the change. Don’t quite understand why I’m having such trouble committing this time but I know I must. So nice to see other’s success & it really encourages me. 

    Wishing everyone one a wonderful smoke free day.

  2. sarah, quit coach
    sarah, quit coach avatar
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    02 Jul 2020
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    Hello Mina, and welcome back! We are glad you're here.

    Congratulations on thinking about quitting smoking. Sounds like you feel you need a few more things in place to boost your confidence...and thats ok! Quitting takes time. What are you finding most challenging?

    And this is exactly what the forums are here for: to be here for exactly when you need them.

    So, read through and post, use the Quit Map and Quit Meter, enter the First Week Challenge Contest...whatever works before you! You will know when its time to take the next steps, and we are cheering you on each step of the way.

  3. brieffree
    brieffree avatar
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    28 Nov 2017
    02 Jul 2020
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    Hi mina

    Congrats in thinking to quit for good, I wonder with is your reason to quit this time.
    Every quit is different than the final!
    I did not quit at all the first 6 months, it took me long time to built Confidence to keep my quit until one day I finally did it!
    Do not be hard to yourself, give your self the chance to brief free!

    All the best! 
  4. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    06 Feb 2020
    03 Jul 2020
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    Hi again Mina,

    So glad you came back to say hello.  

    I understand where you're coming from.  You want to quit, but you're not quite there yet.  That's okay.  You'll get there in your own time and on your own terms.  Quitting is hard, and you have to be properly prepared and all in.  Please allow me to share my story.

    I was the youngest of 11 kids.  Everyone but 2 of my sisters smoked, and those two were the oldest and the first to move out.  In those days, everyone smoked inside their homes.  In addition, all of our friends and others we came into contact with smoked.  Back then it was the thing to do.  Consequently, for me, quitting hurt my lungs terribly.  It wasn't the habit, it wasn't social, it was full on a physical addiction that I was afraid to fight.  But I became increasingly embarrassed to smoke.  The world has changed, and smoking is now socially unacceptable, for so many good reasons.  So I vowed to quit.

    I planned 6 months in advance.  I went onto this site and did all of the questionnaires and exercises.  I read up on all of the benefits of becoming a non-smoker.  And I had a plan of attack.  I decided to quit cold turkey no matter what, and I planned to quit when I was on vacation.  I only made it to 7:00 p.m. that first day before I lit up.  But 2 days later, I tried again, and that was it. I practically lived on this site, keeping in touch with all my friends in this forum, and they virtually dragged me through my quit.  For me, the first month was hell, but after that, things started to get better.  And as they say, the rest is history.  I have now been a non-smoker for 3.5 years, and I couldn't be happier.

    Mina, I want you to know that it IS possible to change your life.  You may not be able to do it today, but there is always tomorrow.  Keep quitting on your radar. Take a look at the info on this site, and on others.  Make a list of all of the reasons why you want to quit.  And above all else, know that you are not alone.  We will all be here to help you, every step of the way.  

    I am rooting for you, Mina.  You can do this, but you have to be ready, and you have to believe in yourself.  I am sending positive vibes your way.  You deserve to live life as a non-smoker.  Stay safe.
  5. arlcruise
    arlcruise avatar
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    05 Jul 2020
    14 Jul 2020 in reply to treepeo1
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    Beautiful reply. And something in it I needed. I am day 18, after a 45 year smoking heavy addiction. Day 16, 17 and today, I had some of the hardest cravings yet. They are not nicotine craves, just "I want to enjoy myself" craves. And boy they are doozies.... I pray they go away. I am heavily invested this far in, and I target 1 month as the "hope they disappear".... But it seems so odd that it can get worse, longer in. Would have thought hardest is first weeks.
  6. efram, quit coach
    efram, quit coach avatar
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    29 Nov 2017
    16 Jul 2020 in reply to arlcruise
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    Hey arlcruise, 

    It's different for everyone. First weeks are typically hardest in terms of making the physical adjustment to not smoking, but there are those other adjustments which can take longer, like learning new ways to enjoy yourself without a cigarette after 45 years. These adjustments can definitely take some time!

    You have an advantage though: you know the thought process that is leading to the craving, so you can change that thought process. 

    After the first few weeks it's also worthwhile to think about ways that you can keep your motivation high in coming weeks. Coming back to square one on why you decided to quit, noticing benefits over time, and thinking of healthy ways to reward yourself. 

    Congratulations on 18 days!

    Wishing you continued success,
    Last modified on 16 Jul 2020 17:54 by efram, quit coach
6 posts, 0 answered