140 posts
06 Nov 2018
16 Nov 2018
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Hi darlenemel
I am sure we all feel (or felt) a little sadness at ending a long time relationship. Let's review what a friend isn't or doesn't do:
A friend isn't constantly working against your desire to quit
I friend doesn't give the illusion of giving help while the whole time sabotaging your efforts
A friend doesn't get you hooked and literally choke you to death
Your friend is a controlling sneaky entity that alters your very brain making you believe that you need him to reduce your stress, increase your concentration while in fact the very opposite is true
Our so called friend was the origin of our stress, cravings , slavery, and health problems
Magically he alters the brain to think the cigarette tastes good when we know (and have known since the beginning when we started that it is awful tasting)
This friend makes us lie bold faced to true friends and even to ourselves, that we enjoy smoking, that we can quit any time we want to , Then our friend goes om to hook other souls who believe that we speak the truth or why would be smoke such a vile thing, pay good money for it and risk our lives?
Your friend has made you into an addict... but you could never admit that to anyone... not even yourself
The so called friend has made you delusional and controls you
And your friend is going to fight to stay on the top to do so
I sincerely hope that you Win your Freedom back. It feels so good.
Last modified on 17 Nov 2018 10:11 by Missing user