Forums / Welcome / Smoker for 15 years- Quit Cold Turkey 4 days ago

Smoker for 15 years- Quit Cold Turkey 4 days ago

6 posts, 0 answered
  1. sarjeet84
    sarjeet84 avatar
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    10 Oct 2019
    13 Oct 2019
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    Hi All,

    I have been a smoker for 15 years and finally decided to quit because the habit became quite worse in the last two years. I had almost gone to 30-35 cigarettes a day, smoking every half an hour, sometimes chain smoking 3 -4 cigarettes at a time. I had never tried to quit before , do not have any health issues however just hated the fact that cigarettes are controlling every aspect of my life. I have taken two weeks leave from work , called my mom to come and stay with me and I am determined to quit. I just do not see any other way!   The first four days were horrible with non stop cravings, today I am feeling a little better however I am having issues with sleeping. Every time I lie down and try to sleep, I can feel my heart beating faster, funny feeling in the stomach and anxiety. How long do you guys think it will continue and what can I do? 


  2. mommasgirl
    mommasgirl avatar
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    13 Oct 2019
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    Hi sarjeet84,

    first i I want to say congratulations and I’m so proud of you. I recently quit smoking I’m on day 5 today and I’m using the patch and gum. I’m quit because my grandma despite never smoking in her life has incurable lung cancer. I know how you feel. I’ve been having issues sleeping since I quit. I feel weird and when I do sleep I get vivid dreams and nightmares. Some people say the first 3 days are the worst others say the first 2-4 weeks. Just know that you can do this. As I’ve learned over the past few days this is a very supportive community and we all have each other’s backs and support. Keep up the good work and don’t give up. You are strong and you can do this. Lean on the support you have and don’t be afraid to post in here. Sending you positive vibes and support.
  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    13 Oct 2019 in reply to sarjeet84
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    Hi sarjeet84!

    Already you are doing an amazing job! Having made your plan, putting your support system (mom 😊) in place, and coming here are going to get you through this.

    I quit six weeks ago, and I promise you, it does get better. The anxiety, racing heart, sleep issues are all part of the withdrawal and you can get through it.

    In the early days, I found a few things to really help me when things got a little crazy. Maybe they can help you as well.

    1. When the anxiety starts to take hold, I will visualize myself as a non smoker. I get to decide who that person is, and the positive changes I'm making to enable that.

    2. I read as much as I could about what happens when we quit smoking. I learned about what happens to the brain and the in's and outs of the emotional dependency. It not only made the cravings less scary, learning anything new produces dopamine (which was produced from nicotine)

    3. I've never been a tea drinker, but I went out and bought some loose leaf teas (some great detox teas and zero caffeine). When a craving hits,I make a cup of tea. Boiling the water, filling the diffuser with tea leaves, watching it steep is extremely comforting. And its super important to self-sooth right now.

    4. Coming to this site often has been a tremendous support. Everyone here is rooting for you, and you'll get some great advice. Reading new and older posts from people who have done this journey are very inspiring and encouraging.

    I hope even a little bit of the above can help.

    Have an "easy" night, sarjeet84. And remember, you aren't going to have to do this on your own.
    Last modified on 13 Oct 2019 22:39 by justfortoday
  4. sarjeet84
    sarjeet84 avatar
    3 posts
    10 Oct 2019
    14 Oct 2019 in reply to mommasgirl
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    Hi Mommasgirl,

    Thank you for your positive words and support. I am still a non smoker:)Sleeping is getting a little better!
  5. sarjeet84
    sarjeet84 avatar
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    14 Oct 2019 in reply to justfortoday
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    Thank you for the excellent advice. I have been reading quite a lot about the effect of smoking and what happens once you quit. I will definitely look at getting some tea leaves for comfort!!!
  6. lillian, quit coach
    lillian, quit coach avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    Comfort is definitely the way to go!
    So glad you are here.

    Keep strong,
6 posts, 0 answered