Forums / My journey / Treepeo - Thanks for being there for me and others!!!

Treepeo - Thanks for being there for me and others!!!

9 posts, 0 answered
  1. atp
    atp avatar
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    Just read in another post about your cancer....

    You've made a difference for me, and others, with your words of encouragement and advice about quitting smoking. You helped me keep my quit on a few occasions. That means something. Because of your help is why i'm still here giving back as well. Take a little, give a little. You've given a lot more. Thanks!

  2. optimist
    optimist avatar
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  3. justfortoday
    justfortoday avatar
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    Hey treepeo,

    I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for showing up for us. You've made such a difference and helped us with your advice and support.

    Your true character shows up time and time again and we can all learn something from your courage to reach out to those who need you regardless of the battles you're up against.

    To me, and I'm sure I speak on behalf of this fine community, you are a hero.

  4. wimporswim
    wimporswim avatar
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    Hey Treepeo,
    Nobody here is more thankful for your support and contributions to these forums than I am.  I was so fortunate on day 3 of my quit (day 8 of your quit) to run into you on the old SHO.  Your posts showed how much preparation and thought you had put into quitting and quite frankly you made me feel like the forum idiot for how little I had prepared to do battle.  Sure, I had picked my date and loaded up on NRTs but other than that I didn't have a clue what I was doing.

    I don't know what I did to deserve the good karma, good fate or just plain fly by the seat of my pants good luck, but you were here!  And I dare say I don't think I would be smoke free today if not for your support.

    You have new challenges now and I wish I could help you like you helped me.  You are in my thoughts.

    Please know how grateful I am to you, you are my hero and I will always be your biggest fan.

  5. treepeo
    treepeo avatar
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    Hi atp, optimist and justfortoday,

    Thank you for your kind words and good wishes.  It makes me feel good to hear that I was of some help to you as you tried to quit smoking.  We all know how difficult it is to do.  I am forever grateful for this wonderful, caring community.  Our members helped me to quit, and I want to reach out to others to help them in turn.

    And wimporswim, you were my extraordinary quit buddy.  I remember times when I was tempted to give in, but I held on because I knew that you were holding on, and we were in this together.  I think I cared as much about your quit as I did about my own.  And I am proud of us both for kicking the habit.  What an amazing accomplishment.

    Even though my cancer has metastasized, I am not going to give up.  I will continue to fight so that I can enjoy life for as long as possible.  And I have a much better chance of doing that now that I am a non-smoker.
  6. mari_m
    mari_m avatar
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    Treepeo, Heres from another person wishing you well. I agree wholeheartedly with the others that thank you for your support and wise words to all that need it. Reading your posts along with others, have helped get me through some dark times. I know without the posts on this site, I wouldn't have made it without caving in, and now its my turn to help in any way I can. Thanks so much for being there, its so good we can be there for each other in this forum! - m
  7. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    We agree!

    Treepeo exemplifies the type of supportive peer Smokers' HelpLine is grateful for. Your positive attitude to stay smoke-free, even in this unfortunate time, and to be here for our other members as well, goes to show your true character. 

    We are certainly here for you too,

    Jenna Lee on behalf of all the Smokers' HelpLine Staff
  8. jeyan
    jeyan avatar
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    Treepeo you're truly awesome person. You kept encouraging all of us in our journey to quit, even with your situation. We all have absolutely no doubts that your courage and positive attitude will win over this curable setback of yours.  God bless you!
  9. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    What an amazing tribute of thanks to one outstanding member of this lovely community. Even though I slipped you still offer the best advice and guidance that I doubt I would have got so far into my quit without. Thank you Thank you Thank you and thank you 10 fold and you are forever in my thoughts - if anyone can beat the C word it is you. Your positivity knows no bounds.
9 posts, 0 answered